普通的話意思是說, 文章的重點不在配對或是愛情戲, 但還是要小心一下偶爾會亂入的非正常向東西.
note: +我喜歡++我愛
Harry Potter and the Polka Dot Plague by Marina Frants (PG)
沒有任何配對, 但是很可愛的一篇文. 作者假想有一天, Snape跟Harry兩人同時得了魔法世界的水痘, 要接受隔離, 被關在同個房間裡. 嗯... 你能想像那會有多尷尬對吧? 我想Marina主要是強調出這兩個角色之間, 不管是敵對或是友善, 他們兩個在一起就是有精采的碰撞.
Full Circle by Florahart (石哈 Snape/Harry, PG)
A general fic with Filch and Snarry. 之前也看過一些florahart寫的同人文, 作者是一位心思細膩的人. 這篇關於飛七和石哈的故事主要是在想像無魔法能力的爆竹(squib)是如何在魔法世界長大/生活的. 一個很少人注意到的事情, 就像是在現實社會中的弱勢族群. 所以, florahart這樣的關注力真的很細微敏銳, 而這是一篇感人, 但又有點小傷感的文章.
Um by george pushdragon (Harry, Snape, slash references, humour)
Apparently the Harry Potter fandom is Dying And Doomed. Sardonic, fun, and a bit sad.
Lurker in the Gaps by GMTH (post-HBP, mystery, dark)
This is exactly what I fear may happen to Harry. Oh you stupid boy... why can't you open your eyes clearly and see?
Inappropriate by Rex Luscus (Snape, Luna)
I am curious as to know how Snape and Luna's interaction is like in class. I don't think Luna is afraid of Snape at all, and I think Snape will be annoyed at this, that he cannot terrify this particular girl... or maybe he just thinks she is a total nutter and ignores her completely? Rex Luscus explores this particular situation.
++Fucking Exams by switchknife (AU, various pairings, PG-13, humour)
Where Sex Magic is part of the Hogwarts curriculum... fun!!
First Day by Nym (Snape, Hagrid)
A small fic about Snape's first day as a teacher at Hogwarts... His 'friendship' with Hagrid is surprisingly believable and heartwarming in this. Cute.
+Metamorphosis by Penelope-Z (mystery)
This is horrifyingly beautiful. The intriguing thing is, despite the author noted it as being 'slash', in actuality those two boys can be ANYONE sharing ANYTHING--yes I mean anyone anything--man woman adult child lovers friends comrades whatever... we'll never know, and they'll forever remain so. There is also a mythical feeling in this small piece. Just plain amazing.
The Architeuthis Principle by Kathleen Anne (Snape, Squid)
Snape and that giant squid in the lake. I like the serenity this story contains.
+A Nick in Time by Tira Nog (Harry, Snape, Hermione, Ron)
A special story about the genuine friendship/bond Snape and Harry built together when they were unexpectedly turned back into their child-self. Featuring very sweet Ron and Hermione. Truely heart-warming and I was really moved reading this. Can be considered pre-slash (a Snape/Harry sequel followed: Growing Pains).