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2004-08-16 20:17:22| 人氣236| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

a letter for Cheryl

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Dear Cheryl:
I'm sorry about last Sat. I had a meeting in TaiChung
that couldn't come to the party. I just write the letter
and tell you what I say to you.
I enjoy learning English so I attend this language class.
I hope I can make many friends and learn English.
At first I have a little afraid of this class.Although my English
teacher in freshman class chat with us in English, I still feel nervous.
Now I'm fond of your class. I think I'd make more progress if I read
English books more. I also enjoy chatting with you.
You're such a cute girl. I greatly appreciate your teaching.
Soon you'll go back to Canada, maybe you won't come to Taiwan again,
but I always remember you, a cute girl, Cheryl.
If the summer of next year I attend this language class again,
will I meet you again?! hum...who knows?
....whatever..THANK YOU!


台長: leslie
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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