Spyware Doctor 反間諜_反廣告_反木馬
【軟體名稱】:Spyware Doctor Multilingual
【檔案大小】:17.7 MB
Spyware Doctor 是一個先進的反間諜軟體、廣告軟體的程序,它可以檢查並從你的電腦移除間諜軟體、廣告軟體、木馬程序、鍵盤記錄器和追蹤威脅。Spyware Doctor 可以讓你移除、忽略或隔離識別出來的間諜軟體。它有一個選項使系統免除數百種的隱私威脅,而且也能在 Windows 啟動時做快速的檢查和識別潛在的威脅,並列表提醒你。
Spyware Doctor 的掃瞄動作和防毒軟體很像,它會對你的電腦硬碟進行一次徹底的掃瞄,以得知你的電腦中是否潛藏了一些已知的間諜軟體。如果你是重度網路使用者,又沒有仔細想過訊息安全方面的問題,這樣的掃瞄可能會帶給你一些「驚喜」!你可能發現,你的電腦中居然躲藏了這麼多的不速之客!既然是不請自來的軟體,那麼只要你動動手指,按下 Spyware Doctor 軟體的清除按鈕,你就能馬上將它們掃地出門,還你一個乾淨的電腦。 和電腦病毒一樣,間諜軟體也會不斷推陳出新。
Spyware Doctor 就和一般的防毒軟體一樣,其設計公司也會不斷的針對最新的間諜軟體設計檢查能力。你可以將 Spyware Doctor 軟體設定為自動更新掃瞄碼,便能隨時保持最新的間諜軟體防護能力,讓你的電腦不受間諜軟體的威脅。

Spyware Doctor Features:
* Detects and removes malware infections including spyware, adware, browser hijackers, Trojans, keyloggers, dialers and tracking cookies
* Frequent Smart Updates to detect and guard against new infections as well as adding enhancements to Spyware Doctor
* A wide range of sophisticated scanning tools including:
--- A Hosts Scanner, which scans the Windows Hosts file for any mappings that may have been altered as a result of malware activities.
--- A Browser Defaults, Favorites and ZoneMap Scanner, which determines if malware has altered your browser home page, favorites or has added any malicious sites to your Trusted Sites list.
--- A Startup Scanner, which removes references to malicious programs that run at startup in the registry and Windows startup files, as well as malicious files in Windows startup locations.
--- State-of-the-art scanning engines, including file scan, memory scan, registry scan, browser helper objects scan, cookie scan and much more.
* The OnGuard feature, designed for continual protection against malware infections and associated activities on your computer
--- A patent pending Keylogger Guard tool, which uses behavioral detection as opposed to signature-dependent methods to detect and block keylogger activities on your computer.
--- An effective Browser Guard, which scans and removes unwanted Browser Extensions in addition to Browser Helper Objects.
--- A powerful Immunizer tool to keep your browsing safe.
--- An easy-to-use Popup Blocker.
--- A Scheduler, to allow scheduling of a Quick Scan, Full Scan or Smart Update at specified times and intervals.
--- A Site Guard tool (Anti-Phishing).
--- A Process Guard tool, which prevents known malicious processes from running on your computer.
--- A Startup Guard tool, which checks for and removes malicious files that attempt to run automatically on your system when Windows starts up.
* Ability to quarantine and restore items that have been detected
Spyware Doctor allows you to remove malware infections from your system that have been detected in a scan, or quarantine them into a contained area. The majority of infections that have been quarantined can be restored at a later time for example. You can customize Spyware Doctor to either remove or quarantine malware items fixed in a scan.
Spyware Doctor 5.0 designed for Windows Vista™, XP and 2000
Homepage - http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/

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