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2006-03-02 23:13:33| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

To my Governor

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”huge” ”alone”
The two words worry me, SERIOUSLY

I don”t know what you are facing now
I”m not asking either
I won”t ask as you mean
You said you are fine, I just trust

But you know
I can feel it
Feel how hard you are now

I can do nothing but to pray
Wish you everything fine

You don”t need to tell
Just from time to time give me a call, a sign
Let me know you are OK
This is the only thing I”m begging
The only thing I ask for your promise

If you here
Please listen

You are my wonderful governor
Whatever you advised, I just follow
No matter how, I just support

台長: 婆仔
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