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2008-06-03 19:54:00| 人氣94| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Taken from E=MC/蝴蝶效應
Sung by Mariah Carey 瑪麗亞凱莉
Translated by Eddie 我艾翻

This is for my peoples 這是為了那些曾經失去
Who just lost somebody 所愛的人而唱的歌
Ya best friend ya baby 你的摯友、你的寶貝
Ya man or ya lady 你的親密伴侶
Put ya head way up high 一起仰望天空吧
We will never say bye 我們將永不言別

Mamas daddys sisters brothers 那些失去爹娘、兄弟姊妹
Friends and cousins 友朋、親戚
This is for my peoples 或祖父母的人們
Who lost their grandmothers 這首歌獻給你們
Lift ya head to the sky 一起仰望天空吧
Cause we will never say bye 因為我們永不道別

As a child there were them times 當我仍是童稚之時
I didn’t get it but you kept me in line 我不瞭解你為何總是如此小心翼翼呵護
I didn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes 我不瞭解你為何無法時刻陪伴
On Sunday mornings and I missed you 而我想念你
But I’m glad we talked through 但如今我們總算盡釋前嫌

All them grown folk things 那些成人世界的複雜
Separation brings 以及生離死別的痛楚
You never let me know it 你從不讓我瞭解
You never let it show because 你也從不表現出來
You loved me and obviously 祇因為你疼愛我
There’s so much more left to say 而顯然仍有許多話來不及說
If you were with me today 若你此時此刻能與我一起
Face to face 我們便能夠面對面訴說

Never knew I could hurt like this 我從不知道這是如此傷痛
And every day life goes on I 而每一天生活繼續
Wish I could talk to you for a while 我僅希望我可以與你促膝長談
Miss you but I try not to cry 我想念你,但我試著不要滴下淚水
As time goes by 時光總會過去的

And it’s true that you’ve 我相信你一定
Reached a better place 到達更美好的地方
Still I’d give the world 但為再見你一面
To see your face (bye) 我願意放棄世界
And be right here next to you (bye) 僅為了依偎你身旁
But it’s like you’re gone too soon (bye) 但你離去得太快
Now the hardest thing to do 現在最難以啟齒的
Is say bye bye 就是道別啊

Bye bye bye bye bye bye
Bye bye bye bye bye bye
Bye bye bye bye bye bye
Bye bye

And you never got a chance 你沒有機會看見我
To see how good I done 功成名就
And you never got to see me 你沒有機會見證我
Back at number one 重返顛峰
I wish that you were here 我企盼你在我身旁
To celebrate together 我們將能一同慶祝
I wish that we could spend 我企盼你在我身旁
The holidays together 我們能一同共度良辰美景

I remember when you used to 我記得小時候
Tuck me in at night 你總是哄我睡覺
With the teddy bear you gave me 你給我的泰迪熊
That I held so tight 我總是緊抱不放
I thought you were so strong 我總以為你是如此堅強健壯
You’d make it through whatever 足以度過任何困難
It’s so hard to accept the fact 難以承受的事實是
You’re gone forever 你已經永遠離開

台長: ├☆小孟★┤
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 創作達人 ♪ |
此分類下一篇:JYU OH SEI ♥


真的很好聽=ˇ= 很友感覺 =)


聽完會想要給你一個擁抱~ 呵呵(會像變態嗎XD)
2008-06-24 21:36:59

呃...再說= =
2008-06-25 23:01:17
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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