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典藏名曲線上欣賞:Sinead O'Connor No Man's Woman 

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去年信誓旦旦說不要愛男人要改當女同志的Sinead O'Connor今年再婚了...對象是男的不是女的,讓我有點錯愕,不過她口出狂言慣了大家可能早已見怪不怪,這不損她的歌在我心中的地位,有許多女歌手把內心的糾結和努力保持清醒平穩的掙扎透過靈巧的歌喉和音樂天賦入歌,這只有同為女性的人懂得...

I don't wanna be no man's woman
It don't make me happy this mantrolling
thing that you got for me so I become
no man's woman

I don't wanna be no man's woman
I've other work I want to get done
I haven't travelled this far to become
no man's woman
no man's woman

Cuz I'm tired of it
and I'm so scared of it
that I'll never trust again
cuz a man can fake you
take your soul and make you
miserable in so much pain

My friends think I'm alone but I've got secrets
I don't tell everything about the love I get
I got a lovin' man but he's a spirit

He never does me harm never treats me bad
He'd never takes away all the love he has
and I'm forgiven oh a million times

I'm never tired of it
and I'm not scared of it
cuz it doesn't cause me pain
Like a man can fake you
take your soul and make you
never be yourself again

I never wanna be no man's woman
I only wanna be my own woman
I haven't travelled this far to become
no man's woman (x3)

Album:Faith and Courage(2000)

台長: Sophiya
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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