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HEADZ 3rd Anniversary presents:《 Rebirth of Sound 電音祭 》


以下資料來自: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HEADZ/50615089282#!/event.php?eid=169195319822644

HEADZ 3rd Anniversary presents:

《 Rebirth of Sound 電音祭 》

A Mini Electronica Music Festival bring to you from 2-Step、Future Garage、Indietronica、Dream-Pop、Shoegazing、IDM、Ambient、Dubstep、Breaks、Jazz、Nu-funk、 Electronica、Breakbeat to Drum&Bass ... by ❝ Live + visual & DJ ❞

Live :

SCOPRIØ ( Macau )

Evade ( Macau )

SUSHi RoBoT ( UK / Italy / HK )

DJ :

Burnie ( 4daz-le , Macau )

loboo ( 4daz-le , Macau )

JCC ( ChAos , GZ )

△ 6:30PM / 17 Sept 2011 / SAT △
※ 正確演出時間視現場狀況而定

△ Tickets : At Door $120 / Advance Buy 2 Get 1 Free △
※ 本節目為全電音站區不設劃位

△ Advance Tickets Available At △

HEADZ -澳門板樟堂仁安里 8A 地下 ( 國華戲院側 )
Beco Da Arruda No.8A R/C , Macau

边度有書.有音樂 Pin-to Livros & Musica -
澳門議事亭前地31號永興大廈 2B ( 星巴克旁 )
2B, Veng Heng Largo do Senado, 31, Macau


◎ HEADZ 官方網站 http://www.headz.com.mo/


HEADZ 三週年和本地低音幫派「Healthy Macao」聯手舉辦了
《 DJ Fu - Macau Stop 》,經過那晚派對的完美落幕後,我們都一直想著懷念著當晚的氣氛,而相信大家也能從照片中感受到派對的盛況,始終在店鋪三週年的正月,當然要舉行自己最喜愛的 Drum&Bass 派對來供自身和友人們玩樂、慶祝、享受低音文化。

HEADZ 也明白,大家未必對深宵派對、DJ、電子低音 ...這些感興趣
... 也明白大家未必喜歡喝酒跳舞作樂,以見及此,為滿足不同的客人朋友觀眾層,所以這次 HEADZ 三週年 Vol.2 的活動,為了實際把電音文化帶到本澳,帶到大家面前,我們是次活動挑選了另一時段和地點,好讓更多客人和朋友們都能投身參與!

而當然,音樂類型依然是推廣電子音樂為主,但這次不單單只有Drum&Bass 和 Dubstep,也不單單只邀請 DJ 打碟,是次活動為配合三週年為主題,分別邀請了三個電子音樂 Live (+Visuals) 的單位,也邀請了三位 DJ;是希望能一次過推廣給大家 HEADZ 最推祟的電音!

這個設置於黃昏時間的工廈電音祭,帶來的音樂類型從 2-Step、Future Garage、Indietronica、Dream-Pop、Shoegazing、IDM、Ambient、Dubstep、Breaks、Jazz、Nu-funk、 Electronica、Breakbeat .. 等等,再回到 Drum&Bass ...

在此公佈出來也覺得這次《 Rebirth of Sound 電音祭 》的音樂類型好像有點過量,是否真的能在這場電音祭內全部讓大家感受到?那麼接下來我們在此介紹 Line up 吧 !

Live :

『 SUSHi RoBoT』

Popularizes Breakbeat/Drum'n'Bass/Electronica as a form of musical expression, just as relevant for living-room contemplation as in the club scene. They openly help promote the fact that everyone can produce interesting and energetic dance music, without the need to follow the guidelines set by the fashionistas and the faceless bedroom boffins that have become the norm in intelligent dance music.

兩位分別來自英國 (Simon Griffin) 和意大利 (Claudio Canzonetta)的電子音樂人,透過 Live 形式打造 Breakbeat/Drum&bass 等電子音樂為音樂表現形式概念,認為每個人都不需要遵從任何準則設定,正如在客廳沉思電音也如俱樂部般著迷的方向,就等於他們說過:「The only thing stopping you is the cage you live in and the wannabe trendsetters who tell you what to listen to. Choose for yourself. Have your own mind. If you can feel it then you’re half way there.」


『 Evade 』

Sonia (Vocals)、Brandon (Guitar)、Faye (Programming)
Evade is an electronic band from Macao, whose style blends together Electronica, Dream-Pop, Shoegazing, Trip-Hop, IDM, Dubstep and Traditional Chinese Music, characterized by a sweet, dreamy mood, representative of the Macau Electronic and Indie music nowadays.

Evade 是來自澳門的電音樂隊,成員包括主音 Sonia、結他手 Brandon和電腦音效的 Faye。成立於2004年初夏,其音樂風格融合了Electronica、Dream-Pop、Trip-Hop、Shoegazing、 IDM、Ambient、Dubstep 以及中樂等不同元素,充滿甜蜜和夢幻的意境,以聲音作媒介,尋找飄渺美感的氛圍,是澳門稀有的夢幻電音樂隊,他們續2010年的日本音樂節表演後,已經超過一年沒有對外作演出,而這年來著手於新專輯的製作上,這次由 HEADZ 邀得他們作出 40分鐘 Live Set,加上新專輯曲目演出!喜歡 Evade 的朋友們久違了。



SCORPIØ is the title, of both electronic music and visual arts. It was created by Loi Wang in 2010.
Loi Wang, a electronic singer-songwriter and visual arts creator, based in Macau, China and has made electronic music since 2007.He always caricatures himself that he lacks professional musical knowledge, but he has his own perspectives in music ,His music style sometimes with the cold atmosphere of the Gothic, but sometimes permeated with the style of Orient. In the arrangement, he specializes in adding enormous beats, and one of his champions is the synthesizer improvisation. His lyrics mainly dealt with the Mental Illness, Dark Revelation, and even the problems of Sociology and Religious issues. He sings in English, occasionally in humming.

SCORPIØ 是一個同時主理電子音樂和視覺藝術的稱號;

由澳門本地電音/作曲/視覺藝術家 (雷宏) 於 2010年一人所創始,其作品約為 Alternative, Electronica, Experimental , Indietronica 之間,他的音樂風格一時滲透著冷冷的歌德式,一時卻洋溢著點點東方風格,時然卻加入巨大節拍或即興的唱聲,唱作以英文為主,偶爾哼唱著;歌詞主要是處理精神疾病、黑暗啟示、什至社會學和宗教問題。

DJ -

『 JCC 』

The first drum ‘n’ bass DJ and promoter in South China, started to play d ‘n’ b in early 2007! Her dark, punchy, hard-hitting style keeps revelers dancing, but also takes them to an end of the electronic spectrum that they may not be used to. Her live show is a truly unique musical experience, perhaps in itself ‘the future of drum ‘n’ bass’.

被公認為華南的第一位女性 Drum&Bass DJ,她獨特的音樂風格和個人魅力令她在進入電子音樂屆僅三年時間就頗受歡迎和好評。這個被各媒體稱做最有前途的電音女 DJ 目前活躍於廣州以及其他城市的各大舞台,並與著名美國MC Savant和圖像製作人Alex So成立組合 'Trilithium' ,現主要策劃自己「ChAos 嘈!」的 Drum&Bass 音樂派對,並要繼續向樂迷們證明她的音樂一定會震撼大家的聽覺!

hosted music programs in two radio stations - TDM and Radio Villaverde. The music he played was mainly dance music - from samba to dub

『 loboo 』

Before becoming a proper deejay, loboo was a radio disc jockey, hosted music programs in two radio stations - TDM and Radio Villaverde. The music he played was mainly dance music - from samba to dub, cha cha to drum & bass, reggae to idm, to name just a few.
Now he can call himself a real disc jockey. Since in his definition, ‘disc jockey’ should not be the person who only plays music but the person who plays with music.

一位影響 HEADZ 極度深遠的音樂人,15年前已抱著推廣非主流音樂的意向,擔任本澳電台 DJ 實際地宣揚音樂文化,其音樂概念早在 2000年時推出電音專輯 P.1C<11st term>時可以感受到他的造詣,同期作為 DR. 的主音和 Programmer;四年前開始利用他的首部 MIxer 混合 CDJ 而開始出 Breaks、Drum&Bass 道路,而成為另一 DJ身份後,在他定義而言 :「 ‘disc jockey’ should not be the person who only plays music but the person who plays with music.」

loboo 這次為了推廣多種音樂元素,除了他最喜愛的 Breaks 外,更將會放 Nu-Funk 和 Jazz 為電音祭的另類音樂主導,讓大家能體會到電子音樂不單止只是派對的符號!


『 Burnie 』

Burnie comes from the “Oriental Las Vegas” -- Macao.

Burnie (aka Brandon L) is a member of Macao-based band "Evade".also a music article writer in Macao biggest newspaper,
runs a blog http://burnie-macao.blogspot.com/ introducing and sharing music to everyone.
As a Garage DJ, Future Garage and 2-Step are his favorite. On the other hand, Burnie's style always blend with other genres such as UK Bass, Nu-Funk and 140 Jungle.

Burnie ( Brandon L ) 是來自澳門的Garage音樂Producer/DJ。

音樂風格以Future Garage、2-Step為主,亦融合了UK Bass、Nu Funk和140 Jungle等風格。同時間也是澳門電子樂隊 Evade 成員之一 ( !! )
http://burnie-macao.blogspot.com/ 介紹和分享音樂,







  久違了的Evade生活回來了!就在今周六(2011917日)我們Evade就會在LMA MacauShow,這是我產後第一次演出,心情真又緊張又興奮!希望一切都順利完滿!在此,邀請喜歡Evade音樂的朋友必要前來!因為下次又不知何時才會再在澳門演出了所以,今次,絕不可錯過呀!:)









台長: Sonia Ka Ian Lao
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