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2008-12-13 01:55:58


今天竟然有人跟我說“她”不知道 "idk" 是啥意思!害我馬上就給她上了一課~~所以,避免以後大家的困擾,小女子就先給大家教學吧! AIMASAPAOL Instant MessengerAs soon as possible B/CBFBJBRBBTWBecauseBoyfrien...

2008-12-11 00:12:23


A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:You may visit ...

2008-12-06 04:53:15


我,虞天使在這裡跟大家說一聲:hello!!剛剛才完成了一個神聖的training....那就是:first aid & cpr training!!所以,不用怕~~有我在,你就不會有生命危險喲雖然很無聊,可是因爲公司要求,我們必須接受訓練不過,這...

2008-11-27 12:55:16


三個人打九號球 叫做"追分" 還蠻好玩的 很刺激喔 規則在我的部落格 (挖哈哈哈哈哈哈哈) -R

2008-11-24 13:54:33


我前幾天在無名開了個部落格 www.wretch.cc/blog/rolandwang 大家多多來支持阿 我也還是會回來發文的 可是我覺得 這裡是屬於我們再痞子堡的每一個人的 而那裡是我自己的 畢竟這邊 我跟AMY發的文加起來就一半...

2008-11-19 13:15:36

白色的... 嘿嘿...

台灣有一件事情是我很不喜歡的 不管你做什麼事情 說什麼話 穿什麼衣服 看什麼台 似乎人們只要一有機會 他們就會突然來一個 "吼~ 哩綠A齁?" 要不然就是 "齁~哩洗勾敏動A喔?" ......................................

2008-11-03 04:10:34


雖然說不少人提醒我這禮拜是日光節約    但我還是一整個忘記   所以比約定時間早到了半小時 (因為打算遲到半小時....)難得的機會 又還沒吃早餐 所以決定去星巴克看妹...喔不 發呆    我也不懂為什麼愛在星巴...

2008-10-31 02:19:40


人家都說每一個人生下來都有長才 天生我才必有用嘛~~所以說人人有朝一日肯定會有作為的!!雖然我現在很想要快一點工作 獨立...但我不相信也不快樂 完全沒有感受到天生我才必有用我也知道我的煩惱小到一點也不重要 沒有...

2008-10-28 10:27:40


WOMen are like ....Laxatives .... They dig all the "黃金" out of you. WOMen are like ..... Bananas .... When they get old, they still try to pretend to be young. WOMen are like .... Weather .... You...

2008-10-28 03:46:23

what i've learned...

i've learned that u can't make someone love u. all u can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in... i've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.i've learned that no matter how...

2008-10-28 03:09:07


Men are like ....Laxatives .... They irritate the shit out of you. Men are like ..... Bananas .... The older they get, the less firm they are. Men are like .... Weather .... Nothing can be done to ch...

2008-10-28 02:46:47


this crazy thing called happiness...how many people actually feel and experience it?  how many people go thru each day not knowing what's gonna happen tomorrow?  i never stopped to think how many of...

2008-10-27 22:25:03


我已經看穿了這一切了是這樣子的: 夾娃娃的機器就是夾娃娃夾越多越好夾到的娃娃就沒什麼特別了沒有夾到的就拼命的想要夾而夾不到娃娃的就不是一個好的夾娃娃機而不是夾娃娃的機器就不是好機器所以夾娃娃機現在都自己...

2008-10-21 05:54:25

What is the trait integrity?

我今天讀到一篇還不錯的文章 分享一下囉!! c=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081005150055AAtNIxtWhat is the trait integrity?If you use a Western definition of integrity it first means high ...

2008-10-21 01:04:10


早上上班要往東走傍晚下班要往西走兩次都要跟太陽作戰![ 悶]~咪~

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