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The 3 Card Reading uses the principle of synchronicity to select principles that are relevant specifically to you, specifically at this moment.

To begin, just think of a problem you have right at the moment (and if you don’t have any problems then think of something you’d like to improve in your life). Choose a problem that you’d like to clear, if not entirely then at least the next layer of it. Think about this problem clearly and as specifically as you can.

【Card 1- The Problem】
The first Card represents the Psychological dynamic which is causing the problem. Look at this hidden or underlying issue. Take your time, see if this could possibly be true for you. If you can’t see it then look at those around you - can you see this in them ?

【Card 2 - The Way Through】
This step is the healing path, the answer, the way through. If there’s an exercise then be sure to actually do it.

【Card 3 - The Gift】
Don’t forget to receive your Gift... it’s the very thing that this problem has hidden all along. Let the gift just come to you..
The Problem
from the Victim Suit

Key concept: Projected blame hiding guilt and denial; acting separate or superior

Judgement is an attempt to push ourselves away from, to separate and raise ourselves above someone or something we consider to be a problem. But judgement denies or hides the suppressed or repressed guilt which leads us to judge others. It is our attempt to project on to others the guilt we feel deep inside, to make it seem that the judgement has nothing to do with us. Yet those who are innocent make no judgements. What you judge, you try to keep yourself away from and see yourself as different from or superior to. For instance, you might say you want to have a boyfriend, but you have made judgements about men. This could effectively prevent you from having a boyfriend. The problem with judgement is that it traps us in the problem. Because we refuse to accept what is at hand, it cannot be transformed or improved. And, as we resist, the problem persists. It’s like the story about the gorilla who, having fallen in love with us, is chasing us. So we run into a room and, as we turn the lock on the door, we feel a big hairy hand drop on to our shoulders. With judgement we lock ourselves into a room with the problem, preventing the transformational qualities of forgiveness and acceptance from being available to us.

Using the card: If you get the card of judgement, you have trapped yourself by accusing others of what you somehow feel guilty about. Also, you are blaming them for your past not theirs. But it is an illusion and misunderstanding that you are blaming them for. You may find the guilt buried under a compensation. For instance, people who feel very guilty sometimes act as if they are very good as a compensation. This is an attempt to bury the guilt and ’prove’ they are good people. But the compensation of ’goodness’ allows them no reward - all the effort and reward goes into the compensation, to the proving that they’re not bad. Look at the judgement you have, because it is at the heart of the problem you are examining today. If it seems to involve hidden judgements you may have about yourself, about others and about the situation this may concern, spend time dwelling on these judgements. Be willing to make another choice. Notice any resistance you have, as this is what is covering up the problem. You could make the choice, ’I let go of this situation and choose to see the truth so that I might be free’. If you wish to be free, forgive, or let go of judgement. This means giving all of your judgement and attack over to your Higher Mind. However, this does not mean that everything will necessarily be ’handled’ in the way you might want, although it will be handled in truth which would free you. If you receive this card today, give up your judgement. In forgiving others, you acknowledge your innocence; in forgiving yourself, you see others as innocent. To let go of judgement allows you to move forward in life once again, and sets you free from the cage you’ve locked yourself into with the proverbial gorilla.
The Way Through
from the Healing Suit

Key concept: Resolving hidden guilt in oneself; apologising for mistaken blame; reconnecting; true understanding; giving forth

This is another core healing principle: forgiveness is really self-forgiveness. If the world is simply a reflection of your own mind, if all blame and judgement are projections of your own guilt and self-attack, then forgiveness of others releases both the others and the subconscious guilt within you. Guilt is really a form of arrogance which makes life all about oneself, rather than just learning the lesson, correcting the mistake and moving on. Forgiveness puts things in perspective and brings back innocence. It returns life to ease, flow and confidence. Forgiveness is not a form of winning the competition while another fails. Nor is it about condescension or superiority. It is not deigning to grant the other mercy - which is really superiority (hidden judgement and overcompensation for guilt and feelings of inadequacy) and competition (distraction from success and fear of the next step). We fear forgiveness because we feel that we would be locked into a position of sacrifice or wounding. We feel that we are justified in our grievance or anger and that it would be stupid to give this up. Yet grievances are never about what someone else has done but in fact are about what we have not forgiven ourselves for. We are actually holding our past against them. No situation can fail unless we fail to give something. Forgiveness is simply reconnection. It is an apology for blaming others for ’crimes’ you thought that you had committed. Forgiveness is the realisation that it was all just a mistake, and true understanding and a new healed situation appear. In forgiveness you finally get to give what was not given in the past. This heals you and the one being judged. One of the core dynamics of any problem is broken bonding, or separation. Guilt is the superglue of life which keeps us stuck in painful patterns and situations, while forgiveness is the solvent which releases us not only from our guilt, but also from our withdrawal, unworthiness and sacrifice, and from the feelings of deadness, exhaustion, difficulty, being stuck, valuelessness and overcompensation. As we are released from that which separates us, we are reconnected and the problem is solved.

Using the card: If you receive this card today, understand that it is important to motivate yourself to forgive, because what you don’t forgive in any one person, you don’t forgive in everyone, including yourself. This means that, without forgiveness, you will create distance - even with those you love the most. The power to change your situation is in your hands. Forgiveness is a choice which creates a new giving forth and a new receiving. Release your grievances so the hidden self-attack and lack of freedom will be released. If done by oneself, forgiveness is a difficult lesson, and self-forgiveness can be even harder. But you can ask your Higher Mind for help in accomplishing the forgiveness. While there are many beautiful forgiveness exercises, you could just as easily let it be done by grace. Realise that if you are blaming yourself or others, the truth is being blurred. Choose the truth. Ask to know it. Ask for the forgiveness to occur. This may happen layer by layer, or it may occur all at once. In other words, you can ask for a miracle and the whole situation can be seen in a new light.
The Gift
【True Love】
from the Gift Suit

Key concept: Opening to the ever-deepening romance and growth of true partnership

True Love is not just about romance. It is the card of someone who has the gift of being a true partner, someone whose qualities lend themselves to being the perfect partner to heal, love and learn with for a lifetime. Typically, there are a number of people who you meet in the course of your life who could fit this description. This card asks you to be open to the one who is present in your life now (or is about to be), and to have the courage to commit. If you have a partner, this means you are just about to have another true love breakthrough. ’Honeymoon, here I come!’
With the True Love card, it is important to recognise that there is nothing to do, but everything to allow. So allow your inspiration to carry you forward in whatever is necessary, and let things unfold naturally. This is typically one of the gifts people cherish most in life. Yet it is not an end in itself; it is just the beginning. You will still be called upon to learn all the lessons of successful relationships.
After the initial romance period, true love could be an ever-deepening growth, an ever more profound partnership, on your way Home. True Love states that there is the possibility through the love in your relationship to help bring Heaven to earth.

Using the card: If you get this card, you are asked to recognise that the person in the situation (or who is about to be in the situation) will provide the inspiration through any problem. If there is a block, you are being asked to notice that the block itself is trying to distract or divert you from true love, which is already present or is about to be present. The only purpose of the block has been to hide this gift, and to give you control, either of the relationship or of yourself. As with any gift, if you pay attention to the gift itself, the block will begin to melt away.
Receiving this card, know that your heart wants to open in a new birth, and that it wants to give itself wholly…and receive everything more fully.






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2007-11-30 17:32:18


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Jessica, 妳好

我想買 1. 真愛卡一盒裝, 2.書名:全心全意-癒合心靈的碎片, 3. 書名:50種方法找到真愛

2008-08-12 14:28:35
Madeleine, 妳好



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