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2006-09-28 01:16:53| 人氣108| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【Pete Doherty and his steps through the way.】

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Pete is a fuckin’awesome guy, no doubt anyway, but, he has lots of bombast news that people always pay attention to him from time to time.

Maybe this is so ordinary for admass,very wonted and not kinda off-the-track in this way;however, Pete lives in the fame for sure,which was weaved by the manky mass media and manky reporter, always weaving the cosmic words on what they want to mock or to talk about.Pete Dohert is a part of some examples in this way again.

He can drink, go into the drugs, get merried with Kate, break a vase, outcry, mumbles, yell, get together with Carl one more time, fight with some men who anger or,argue with policemen,whatever the Libertines is getting over or Babyshambles is setting out on a journey;nevertheless, he is high-profile, and accompanies something like other men, who are fuckin’blazing, shining at first but turn into dim in the end.

Pete has to change something that he can keep in the nice situation permanently,I guess so.

Goodluck to Pete.

台長: 不再迷幻一直都是謊言
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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