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2005-03-10 20:05:22| 人氣123| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

This Is Love

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Love Is A Battlefield EP


Don't you know you are my angel?
On my knees I fall for you.
Can I say this is love?
Why don't we just get lost in the wind?
There's no end-forever together,
this is love.

Embraced in your warm softness.
Deep inside we are as one.
Can I say this is love?
Why don't we just get lost in the dark?
There's no end-forever together,
this is love.

Hand in hand we'll join and then grow old together.
Let me share my life with you and pass the years.
Don't need words, can't even explain.

Even when I hold you tightly,
I'm in the palm of your hand.
Can I say this is love?
Why don't we just get lost in the crowd?
There's no end-forever together,
this is love.
Yeah, sweet heart
this is love.

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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