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Oslo, 31. august (2011)





「我想結婚、生小孩 / 旅行世界、買個房子 / 享受浪漫假期、整天只吃冰淇淋 / 在海外生活,達到並維持理想體重 / 寫一本很棒的小說/跟老友保持聯繫 / 我想種一棵樹、從頭開始準備一頓美味晚餐 / 感覺非常地成功 / 洗冰水浴、跟海豚一起游泳 / 辦一個很特別的生日派對、活到一百歲 / 維持婚姻到死 / 寄一封很棒的瓶中信 / 也得到同樣有趣的回信 / 克服所有的害怕和恐懼、整天躺著看雲 / 擁有一棟裝滿小東西的老房子 / 跑完全程馬拉松 / 讀一本很棒的書 / 一輩子都記得書裡的話、畫出驚人的畫,表達出真實感受 / 牆壁掛滿畫和深得我心的字句 / 擁有我喜歡的節目的每一集、專注在某個重要議題 / 讓大家願意聽我說話 / 玩高空跳傘、裸泳、開直升機、有一份每天都很期待的工作/ 有一個浪漫獨特的求婚 / 睡在廣闊的天空下 / 去爬巴薩巖 、演出一部電影,或在國家劇院演出 / 中樂透彩 / 每天過著有用的日子 / 被人愛著。 」

 "I want to marry, have kids. Travel the world. Buy a house. Have a romantic holidays. Eat only ice cream for a day. Live abroad. Reach and maintain my ideal weight. Write a great novel. Stay in touch with old friends. I want to plant a tree. Make a delicious dinner from scratch. Feel completely successful. Go ice bathing, swim with dolphins. Have a birthday party, a proper one. Live to be a hundred. Stay married until I die. Send an exciting message in a bottle and get an equally interesting reply. Overcome all my fears and phobias. Lie watching the clouds all day. Have an old house full of knickknacks. Run a full marathon. Read a book that’s so great I’ll remember quotes from it all my life. Paint stunning pictures that show how I really feel. Cover a wall with paintings and words close to my heart. Own all the seasons of my favourite shows. Attract attention to an important issue, make people listen to me. Go skydiving, skinny-dipping, fly a helicopter. Have a good job I look forward to every day. I want a romantic, unique proposal. Sleep beneath open skies. Hike on Besseggen, act in a film or play at the National Theatre. Win a fortune in the lottery. Make useful everyday items. And be loved."

台長: 微塵絮
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