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Spring Breakers

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Spring Breakers (2012) 放浪青春
Comedy | Drama

「Spring break,spring break forever.」

有如天堂的佛羅里達,鮮艷的色調與迷幻的影像對比,導演Harmony Korine用他獨特的風格呈現青年對於現世的徬徨與猶豫;即使有著大量的裸露和養眼狂歡鏡頭,整體的氛圍確是厭世和悲傷的,這些人因為對生活的迷惘和麻痺,把希望寄託在遙遠的放縱,說到底,這群女生終究只是急於尋找自己存在這世界上的意義。

James Franco和三個女生一起合唱Britney Spears的經典歌曲Everytime,將這首歌的意境完美的展現在極有意思的畫面之中:彈著鋼琴的Alien,拿著槍跳舞和互相擁抱的女性們;都是電影的靈魂。

整部片的對白不多,卻每一段都像首詩,尤其是四個女生各自與家人通電話的內容,或是James Franco操著怪異口音的字字句句,以及用沾著血的手敲著琴鍵,輕輕唱出的自責。

James Franco好適合演這個角色,算是挽回在《Oz: The Great and Powerful》裡的不知所云,而且有幾個畫面發現他長得也太像Johnny Depp了。


"Grandma. It was really great. I think we found ourselves here. We finally got to see some other parts of the world. We saw some beautiful things here. Things we'll never forget. We got to let loose. God, I can't believe how many new friends we made. Friends from all over the place. I mean everyone was so sweet here. So warm and friendly. I know we made friends that will last us a lifetime. We met people who are just like us. People the same as us. Everyone was just trying to find themselves. It was way more than just having a good time. We see things different now. More colors, more love, more understanding. God, it's so nice to get a break from my uni for a little while. I know we have to go back to school, but we'll always remember this trip. Something so amazing, magical. Something so beautiful. Feels as if the world is perfect. Like it's never gonna end."

Britney Spears - Everytime

台長: 微塵絮
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