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2008-07-02 00:41:42| 人氣149| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

===If your love is real===

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如果一個男人真的愛你... 他的手機會為你24小時開機,在你最需要他的時候可以隨時找到他,因為他愛你,所以會時時擔心你

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他會把除了工作之外的很多時間都給你,(當然也會偶爾和朋友聚會) 因為他想時時刻刻都看見你

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他會毫不吝嗇的給你物質上的付出(我並不是說所有的女孩子都應該物質化,我所說的這種付出是他心甘情願的)因為他覺得他所有辛苦的努力就是為了讓你過幸福的生活,他愛你,不想讓你過的那麼艱苦

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他絕對不會罵你,在你很任性的時候任你發洩,當你任性過後,會很委屈的說:"老婆,我又作錯什麼了?你可以告訴我,我一定改,千萬不要生氣,那樣會把身體氣壞的"

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他就不在乎陪你逛街會浪費他多少出去自由的機會,因為他甘願失去那種所謂的自由

如果一個男人真的愛你... 無論你們在一起多久,都會陪你一起爬山,看海,看星星,看日落,因為他知道你渴望這樣的浪漫

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他絕對不會嚷著叫你去減肥,但是這個時候你自己一定要去健康減肥,因為苗條的女人確實可以叫人賞心悅目,因為你的健康是他最關心的

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他不會留戀在網絡上與別的女孩甜言蜜語,因為對你,,他都有說不完的愛,哪有那心思和別人廢話

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他在每天很辛苦的工作回到家的時候,會抱著你說"老婆,我回來了"他愛你,他絕對不會把不快樂帶給你
如果一個男人真的愛你... 他會在清晨上班的時候,親吻你的眼睛,滿足的說:" 寶貝,我上班去了! "

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他絕對不會忍心背叛你,無論出於什麼樣的動機。因為在他眼裡,你是最美的,即使你不是

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他會在你故意說要離開的時候,撒嬌的不和你分開,而在你真的想離開的時候,就會放你走,即便他真的不願意放手。因為他愛你,只希望你幸福

如果一個男人真的愛你... 他會像愛他家人那樣愛你的家人,也會尊重你的親人和朋友





倘若偶上了這個男人, 請好好珍惜, 因為你已擁有這最好的一切!


Copy from my friend, Phooey

台長: Cc
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2008-07-02 00:45:46
as being a man.. i agree
but...if a woman expect the man &quotmust&quot to do these for her...
then woman don`t love the man...because she just using him..
but if a man reali love the woman.. then he will still be willing to be used...

&quot如果一個男人真的愛你... 他在每天很辛苦的工作回到家的時候,會抱著你說&quot老婆,我回來了&quot他愛你,他絕對不會把不快樂帶給你&quot

if a woman truly loves a man... she would gladly share the each other`s happiness and sadness much more than to be lie to...

&quot真正愛你的男人,在工作閒暇之餘都會致電給你,即使不方便打電話也會發短信給你,其實也沒有什麼好說的,只是告訴你他在想你,關心你.. &quot

yes.. but also can be.. he trust you are mature enough, and believe in you knowing that he care and loves you without saying it over and over and over and over again...

sadly.. many woman dont see what a man give to the woman he loves..something much more important than time,物質 and 甜言蜜語... becox all these ...players can also心甘情願 gives much more and better..

as long as you ask and let him know...真正愛你的男人WILL DO ALL THESE and will not ask you back for anything until he`s heart become numb and die...
jus like 真正愛你的woman will not ask for anything but just to take care of urself and be happy...

if 2 person turthy love each other will be willing to tell each other everything gd and bad.. expectation.. hapi or sad... cause they know that there is love between them to respect and accpect each other as who they are yet same time willing to change THEMSELF to accpect each other

but who in the world can do so?
or atleast.... willing to?

anyway~ this is only my person view~
2008-07-02 14:10:49
2008-07-06 19:34:12
Why do you post such paragraphs of eassy?
Are you starting to suspect his love?
I can tell some guys are so lucky but they never realize that, I can understand. At the begining everything seems to be good. But the longer you`re together, the less he cares about you. You should figure out whether his love is real or not before everything becomes too late. Don`t be a fool!
2008-07-16 20:38:02
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