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美美的Journey of Love神諭卡

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2015/01/06 下訂兩天就收到的美美神諭卡,這家露天賣場真的動作超快,上次遇到颱風天也是馬上出貨,跟以前一樣把東西包裝得好好的,現在升級有自己的紙盒了。




想拍個內頁排版做記錄,隨手一翻落在SHE LOVES這頁,哇,這麼多張牌,偏偏翻到第一個字是Forgiveness的篇章,很怕我沒記在心上喔。



This oracle brings you a sweet message. You are just asked to love.  Everything else will take care of itself.  70篇神諭解說唯一在message前面加上sweet的,蠻妙的,於是,就順隨己心吧,反正我的愛心很大一顆。

想幫妹妹排牌,可是她好像興趣缺缺,一直到1/9晚上,我們才一起按牌卡建議的牌陣排了牌,這也是除了開牌那天抽了一張牌後,我第一次抽牌排陣,代表現在狀況的位置,我們都抽到了牌背面圖樣的SELF-INITIAION,真是剛好,而SHE LOVES則不意外地,果然出現在我的牌陣中。


There is a choice that you need to make—you are aware of it already or it is coming to your awareness very soon.  Embrace the unknown and say “YES!”.  You have the opportunity to enrich your world, to receive and therefore be able to share much more!  If anxiety or fear arises, guilt or shame, treat it as the cleansing of your emotional waters as they receive so much more inflow from the divine ocean.  Let the old layers rise to the surface of your awareness to be washed away.  What seems to be so much in the context of your own emotional waters, is not so much at all when compared to what the great ocean is capable of holding.  So let the divine ocean take the old, washing it away from you and replenishing you with the new, that you may serve life all the better.

This oracle brings you guidance.  It is safe to choose now.  There is no wrong choice, just a choice that resonates with your heart.  If it is challenging you, that is an opportunity for you to let the divine cleanse and lift you into the vibration where you feel at peace with your choice, where you can accept the grace it will bring to you.  Do this now.  It's your time to step up, make your life easier on yourself and open to love in a more trusting way.  Come now, the Divine is calling you to play!

Our lives are measured in choices
We have made along the path we all living
Each compass point, a possibility,
Each step, an opportunity
Seemingly random, each decision
Moves us inexorably in a direction
Both unknown and yet somehow familiar
For upon reflection, the strength we find
In choosing,
Or the surrender of letting all unfold
Leads us to the place we started from
When we made that first choice
To be here again

You are being touched by a wave of your own light in motion.  Can you feel the blessings and love that are flowing towards you, from within you, in an upsurging wave of love?  This is your own pure divine nature.  You can choose to empower another as the carrier of your own divinity, of course, and sometimes if you are not quite ready to recognize your own divine essence, this needs to be.  Yet at any moment, you can choose to recognize that it is you who are initiating yourself into love, that you are the being of light, the Divine, that is drawing you forward into yourself.  At any moment, you can choose to recognize yourself.  Will this be such a moment?

This oracle holds a message for you—there are many teachers on this path, some humble, some wise, some great companions on your life journey and some who will enter in and out of your life quickly, perhaps imparting a helpful word or teaching you a more challenging lesson about trusting and relying upon your own wisdom.  The greatest teacher however is Life itself.  You can trust in your own experiences and know that it is the divine spark within you, the life within you, that is the one true teacher who carries you home in awakened reunion with the Divine.

How easy to love
The words flow when it is right
I dare not tell you

… …

The cherry blossom knows when to bloom each year
And never questions whether its beauty is enough

There is peace in knowing you always bloom well
Yet man spends a lifetime in wonder

There is a sacred offering taking place—an offering of the Divine Feminine.  She is offering herself to the mystery unfolding.  This may manifest in a physical way in that a woman of great feminine wisdom is offering herself to you in friendship, love, spiritual companionship or service in some way.  This may manifest in a spiritual gift from the Divine Mother in the form of a life circumstance or situation—whether it is immediately recognized as a gift or not.  To accept this offering as a bridegroom accepting his bride, with love, reverence and respect, will bring good fortune.

This oracle offers you a message.  Accept what is being offered now.  Whether through challenge or an easing of the way forward, there is a gift of grace from the Divine Feminine reaching for you now.  Allow her in and be blessed.  This oracle also heralds a time of importance in relationship—you have been revealing yourself and not being afraid of who and what you are, sharing yourself in willingness to connect.  Your vulnerability and beauty is acknowledged and will attract the response you need at the perfect time, and in the perfect way.  Every bride shall have her bridegroom.

How careful we must be close
How fragile we must feel
How sad not to be
When someone is real

To say approach with caution
When we already know
That inside there's a likeness
And experience goes slow



You are being watched over.  Many beings are aware of your existence. They know that your heart and your soul are pure—even when you may doubt it at times because after all, you are a divine being masquerading as a decidedly fascinating mixture of light and darkness.  Sometimes you may not feel so pure!  That's okay.  The Mother prays for you not because you are about to do something ridiculous and you might come to harm, but that you might not do something ridiculous and avoid living your full potential!  She wraps you in waves of love, light and consciousness that you may feel brave enough to live your life and not hold back from pursuing what is within your heart (or really, letting it pursue you and giving in to its seduction).  The Mother Prays.  So fear not, and just live your life.

This oracle brings you guidance—ask help from the Divine Mother who loves you unconditionally.  Ask each day.  She wants to help you and you have to ask for that help to empower her to do so.  You have her great blessing. 

I love you,
Holding your breath in my kiss
Your heartbeat in my arms
Driving home
I could see you sitting beside me
Not with my eyes
But I knew you were there
Your beautiful legs crossed
Your coat open and inviting
The soft scent of you
Brings a smile to my lips
And to my heart
Because I know
You are still here

台長: 老鼠人
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 花花世界 |

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