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2012-10-28 15:14:39| 人氣4,857| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老靈魂的年輕歌手Jake Bugg

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曲風是近半世紀前的流行,感覺像Bob Dylan減去一點滄桑
12歲開始彈吉他的Jake Bugg,煙齡不知有幾年了


才隔一天,Youtube 又更改語法了

Saffron – Jake Bugg
I don't mean to waste your time,
I hope you're doing fine,
Oh, I'm gone, Saffron

And I hope you like this song,
What have I done wrong,
Oh, I'm gone, Saffron

Something different about that girl,
So mean and out of this world,
I want her to be mine,
And I hope you’re doing fine, Saffron,

Her beauty is beyond belief,
And I know I'm beneath your league, Saffron

Something different about that girl,
So mean and out of this world,
I want her to be mine,
And I hope you’re doing fine, Saffron,

I don't mean to waste your time,
I hope you’re doing fine,
Oh, I'm gone, Saffron

Lightning Bolt – Jake Bugg

Morning, it's another pure grey morning
Don't know what the day is holding
When I get uptight
And I walk right into the path of a lightning bolt

Sirens of an ambulance comes howling
Right through the center of town and
No one blinks an eye
And I look up to the sky for the path of a lighting bolt

Met her as the angels parted for her
But she only brought me torture
But that's what happens
When it's you who's standing in the path of a lightning bolt

Everyone I see just wants to walk with gritted teeth
But I just stand by and I wait my time
They say you gotta tow the line, they want the water not the wine
But when I see the signs I jump on that lightning bolt

Chances, people tell you not to take chances
When they tell you that there aren't any answers
And I was starting to agree
But I awoke suddenly in the path of a lightning bolt

Fortune, people talking all about fortune
Do you make it or does it just call you.
In the blinking of an eye
Just another passerby in the path of a lightning bolt

Everyone I see just wants to walk with gritted teeth
But I just stand by and I wait my time
They say you gotta tow the line, they want the water not the wine
But when I see the signs I jump on that lightning bolt

It was silent, I was lying back gazing skyward
When the moment got shattered
I remembered what she said
And then she fled in the path of a lightning bolt

Two Fingers – Jake Bugg
I drink to remember, I smoke to forget
Some things to be proud of, some stuff to regret
Run down some dark alleys in my own head
Something is changing, changing, changing

I go back to Clifton to see my old friends
The best people I could ever have met
Skin up a fat one, hide from the Feds
Something is changing, changing, changing

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
Light a cigarette and wish the world away
I got out, I got out, I'm alive and I'm here to stay
So I hold two fingers up to yesterday
Light a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got out, I got out, I'm alive and I'm here to stay

Down in the kitchen, drinking white lightning
He's with my momma, yelling and fighting
It's not the first time praying for silence
Something is changing, changing, changing

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
Light a cigarette and wish the world away
I got out, I got out, I'm alive and I'm here to stay
So I hold two fingers up to yesterday
Light a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got out, I got out, I'm alive and I'm here to stay

There's a story for every corner of this place
Running so hard you got out but your knees got grazed
I'm an old dog but I learned some new tricks yeah

So I kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
Light a cigarette and wish the world away
I got out I got out I'm alive and I'm here to stay
So I hold two fingers up to yesterday
Light a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got out I got out I'm alive and I'm here to stay

Hey, hey it's fine
Hey, hey it's fine
Hey, hey it's fine
I left it behind

台長: 老鼠人
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 花花世界 |

2012-10-29 22:19:48
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