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2012-05-28 18:03:59| 人氣861| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

我們的歌 In These Arms

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這陣子,為了保持工作情緒高昂,出門不管走在路上或坐公車都會戴上耳機聽搖滾樂,延續長久以來喜歡重覆聽一首歌的習慣,每一趟都換一首歌重覆播放,某天放了In These Arms,一遍都還沒聽完就淚流滿面,都過幾年了,還是沒辦法。


說到你真是個浪漫的人,好在有你的浪漫用心,即使記憶力極差的我也能記得許多片刻,我記得我們的歌In These Arms,記得那晚緩慢經過的火車,記得你後來信上說這首歌不是隨便放給我聽……妹妹忽然說她彷彿呼吸到潮濕的空氣,我才正要把「更深露重」說出口呢,當年的麥坎納啤酒屋、大學路、光一舍場景瞬間在眼前重現,一切歷歷在目,一晃眼卻已經二十年過去了。




In These Arms – Bon Jovi
You want commitment
Take a look into these eyes
They burn with fire, yeah
Until the end of time
And I would do anything
I'd beg, I'd steal, I'd die
To have you in these arms tonight

Baby I want you
Like the roses want the rain
You know I need you
Like a poet needs the pain
And I would give anything
My blood, my love, my life
If you were in these arms tonight

I'd hold ya, I'd need ya
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love ya, I'd please ya
I'd tell you that I'd never leave ya
And love you till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight

We stared at the sun
And we made a promise
A promise this world would never blind us
These were our words
Our words were our songs
Our songs are our prayers
These prayers keep me strong
And I still believe
If you were in these arms

I'd hold ya, I'd need ya
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love ya, I'd please ya
I'd tell you that I'd never leave ya
And love you till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight

Your clothes are still scattered all over our room
This old place still smells like your cheap perfume
Everything here reminds me of you
There's nothing I wouldn't do...

And these were our words
They keep me strong

I'd hold ya, I'd need ya
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love ya, I'd please ya
I'd tell you that I'd never leave ya
And love you till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight

If you were in these arms tonight
If you were in these arms tonight
If you were in these arms

Like the roses need the rain
Like the seasons need the change
Like the poet needs the pain
I need you
In these arms tonight

台長: 老鼠人
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