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代表愛與感情的聖杯最近才剛出現,唉……有趣的是,先用托特牌(Thoth)算了一次,手癢再次寫了會刺傷人的信後又用偉特牌(Rider-Waite)算了一次,都是78張牌,竟然抽出了差不多的結果。個人偏愛托特的英文解析,貼過來做個紀錄。情傷後對識人沒什麼信心了,偏偏就是沒有星座血型八字之類的偷吃步可以用,但,其實,如果自己的信心沒有恢復,根本也是沒用啊,橫豎都是怕死了的狀態。A burnt child dreads the fire. 我還是好害怕。


The Knight of Cups  ( 偉特牌中的「聖杯國王)

This is the Lord of Waves and Water, often defined as the fiery aspect of water. As such, in many ways this card represents a contradiction. Most often when it appears, it will indicate an actual person who has influence. However sometimes it can also indicate a moodshift or a change of mode.

Since the Suit of Cups is all about love and loving relationships, it's easy to see how the Knight can be regarded as the lover of the cards. When representing a moodshift, the card can indicate the period where a man falls in love.

When it represents a person he will be a complex and highly emotional being - creative and visionary, sensitive (and sometimes over-sensitive), romantic and intense. He will give the impression of being open and caring, though this is often misleading; the Knight of Cups is often subject to intense insecurity, needing constant re-assurance and attention.

He is attracted and attractive to women, and enjoys basking in their company. He will often be very charming, with a silver tongue and a powerful personal agenda. He will rarely manage practical matters well, tending to place rather more importance on buying two dozen red roses, than paying the bills. At his worst, he can be inconstant, unfaithful and selfish.

At his best, he is loving, generous with his emotions, supportive and tender. He can be capable of high levels of spiritual development, strong in intuition and warmly responsive. When he's on form he is terrific company, having a good sense of humour and a keen interest in other people. He's often an exciting and stimulating life partner and lover - but only at his best!

You see - I said he was contradictory!


The Prince of Cups  ( 偉特牌中的「聖杯騎士)

Men represented by this card are complex and powerful beings. They are self-contained - even secretive - giving an impression of calmness and serenity. However under that veneer they can often be intense and volatile. They tend to hide their deepest passions, and to protect them fiercely.

They are often creative - artistically or musically inclined, and have deep involvement in these areas. Many of the more successful artists and musicians in our lives would come up as a Prince of Cups.

Emotionally they can sometimes be turbulent and moody, but can also often hide their emotions and refuse to share them with others. However, having a highly developed sensitivity to emotional ups and downs, they will identify yours even before you have. Talking to somebody like this about emotional matters is usually a rewarding experience, because they are highly perceptive and use their intuition readily.

If this card comes up to indicate an alteration in a person's behaviour, it will generally indicate a man moving into a new romantic relationship and feeling somewhat troubled by this. The Knight is the card that comes up to indicate a man happily falling in love.

Look for surrounding cards to clarify whether any misgivings are justified - for instance, the Moon or the 7 of Cups would be warnings of danger; also look at whether cards like the 7 of Swords or the 7 of Disks come up - these may indicate inner personal worries that will only cause problems if allowed to.


The Princess of Cups  ( 偉特牌中的「聖杯侍者)

If this card comes up to represent a person, she will be a gentle, romantic individual with high levels of intuition. The Princess of Cups is compassionate and caring, warm and responsive. She is at peace with her emotional nature, often highly creative and artistic. She has a certain fragility, particularly when coming into contact with the harsher realities of everyday life, and will not always cope well with conflict. In her world, tranquility and harmony are highly valued.

If, as often happens with the Princesses of the deck, the card comes up to represent a change in events, then the interpretation broadens out somewhat. For instance, the Princess of Cups will sometimes come up to indicate forthcoming pregnancy. The card also appears to indicate a woman falling in love.

And if the card applies to a state of mind, then it will indicate heightened perception, and tells you to listen carefully to the voice of your own intuition, and to follow through on any ideas which arise from it.

吼呦 -- 魏如瑄
每當遇到麻煩的時候 我會說吼喲
懶惰不想動的時候 我也會說吼喲
除了說吼喲 然後低下頭 肩膀好無力

不知道怎麼辦的時候 我會說吼喲
踩到狗屎的時候 誰不會說吼喲
除了說吼喲 然後低下頭 肩膀好無力

吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 我要吼一吼 發洩情緒
吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 我要吼一吼 有益身心

別再說那些聽了 會很煩的事情
可能是人家根本 就不想要看到你
先讓我冷靜 深呼吸幾口氣
我知道我是最好的 一定可以

吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 我要吼一吼 發洩情緒
吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 我要吼一吼 有益身心

吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 來嘛吼一吼 不發脾氣
吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 來嘛 吼一吼

吼喲 沒關係 吼喲 牙要咬緊
雖然我的字典裡還是有放棄 但要看情形

吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 我要吼一吼 發洩情緒
吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 我要吼一吼 有益身心

吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲
吼一吼 來嘛吼一吼(各位來賓)
吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼喲 吼──────喲
可是吼一吼 會不會 沒朋友

台長: 老鼠人
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