第一週上課的最後一堂課「Organizational communication」。走入教室,只見一頭金色夾雜黑色的短髮女老師在調整上課器具,她全身著全黑緊身上衣跟牛仔褲,套著西裝外套,一條薄紗深藍色圍巾,帥帥的掛在外套上。
「今天本堂課的老師有事不能過來,我會負責傳達他的話,並在最短時間內結束這堂課。」她終於準備就緒,開始說話。同學們歡呼聲此起彼落,我的整付精神卻在她的器具上,因為她剛剛花的時間,最主要就是在電腦上以及教室的麥克風放出Shakira的音樂,而且第一首,就是我最喜歡的那一首「beneath the clothes」。
回來後我忍不住上網查了一查Shakira的資料,以及”underneath your clothes”的歌詞。如下:
Underneath Your Clothes
Words by: Shakira
Music by: Shakira and Lester Mendez
You're a song
Written by the hands of god
Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
Because of you
I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you
I'm running out of reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong to each other
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
I love you more than all that's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the celing
Like a lady to her good manners
I'm tied up to this feeling
Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey
突然下定決心,在自己準備好後,下次遇到心愛的男人時,也要用我那可愛的瘋狂性格,感動自己愛的男人~~ 哈哈哈!!!