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2004-02-15 08:50:00| 人氣54| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Be Cool

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The vanished, the wanted, the lost, the valentine.
Since when the jack in the box is included in Valentine's celebration?
R called, asking where am I, saying it's his frd's birthday he is looking for a place to go.
And are you talking to me? What the hell a 4 months old will have any bloody idea where should a life long Londoner go for a drink?
Totally shocked, the unexpected caller, can't settle for hours after the conversation.
Ya, I am staying in at my hall, and ya, I am not going out for V day cus there's no boyfriend. All the cards are on the table.
Is it making you happy, that I can still tell who you are by one or two words?
Is that making you satisfied, tat I am not going out with any bloke tonite?
What you want? An old friend saying hello, while our friendship doesn't exist at all. Giving you a whole list of places for you to check out? When I only know my way home?
So you quit your job, so you are ready to go, so you are on the way to, uncanny home sweet home.
And you asked abt my school my work my life, sounds like you really care.
I have given up for ages to figure it out, what kinda person you are and wat you r thinking about, but yes it stirred, yes it works man, it works.
Be cool n yes stay cool i did.
You can show your sympathy at any other time whenever it pleased you, but why at the moment which is so ironic.
Mercy, slaughster.I am not the one.

台長: 米娃娃


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