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2012-10-16 23:20:08| 人氣1,016| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I could give you love

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By Lasse Lindh

This ship is wrecked.
The cliffs came so fast
I just closed my eyes
But you closed your heart
I could give you love
I could give you love
I could give you love

If you let me in

I wish you could see
See the world like me
We could stop the rain
Oh~it’s such a shame
I could give you love
I could give you love
I could give you love

If you let me in
If you let me in
If you let me in

You never lost me
You never lost me
You never lost me
You never lost me
You never lost me
You never lost me
Ah~ ah~ I’m still yours

I could give you love
I could give you l~~ove
I could give you love
If you let me in

Oh~you’re beautiful
An angel’s scar
But you’ve broken all the mirrors
Because you lost your faith
I could give you love
I could give you love
I could give you love
If you let me in

台長: 詩涵baby


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