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Just When I Needed You Most

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1.Just When I Needed You Most / 我最需要妳的這一刻

作詞:Randy Vanwarmer
作曲:Randy Vanwarmer

You packed in the morning
I stared out the window
And I struggled for something to say
You left in the rain without closing the door
I didnt stand in your way
Now I miss you more
Than I missed you before
And now where Ill find comfort, God knows
cause you left me
Just when I needed you most
Yes, you left me
Just when I needed you most
Now most every morning
I stare out the window
I think about where you might be
Ive written you letters that Id like to send
If you would just send one to me

cause I need you more
Than I needed before
And now where Ill find comfort, God knows
轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
cause you left me
Just when I needed you most
Yes, you left me
Just when I needed you most

You packed in the morning
I stared out the window
And I struggled for something to say
You left in the rain without closing the door
I didnt stand in your way

Now I love you more
Than I loved you before比
And now where Ill find comfort, God knows
cause you left me
Just when I needed you most
You left me
Just when I needed you most
Oh, you left me
Just when I needed you most

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