”She’s coming,”the farmer said to the owl.
”Oh, what shall I, what shall I do?
Shall I bow when she comes?
Shall I twiddle my thumbs?”
The owl asked, ”Who?”
”The Queen, the Queen, the royal Queen─
She’ll pass the farm today.
Shall I salute?” he asked the horse.
The horse said,”Nay.”
”Shall I give her a gift?” he asked the wren.
”A lovely memento for her to keep?
An egg or a peach or an ear of corn?”
The wren said, ”Cheap.”
”But should I curtsy or should I cheer?
Oh, here’s her carriage now.
”What should I do?” he asked the dog.
The dog said, ”Bow.”
And so he did, and so she passed,
Oh, tra lala lala,
”She smiled, she did!” he told the sheep.
The sheep said, ”Bah.”
One sister for sale!
One sister for sale!
One crying and spying young sister for sale!
I’m really not kidding,
So who’ll start the bidding?
Do I hear a dollar?
A nickel?
A penny?
Oh, isn’t there, isn’t there, isn’t there any
One kid who will buy this old sister for sale,
This crying and spying young sister for sale?

Said General Clay to General Gore,
”Oh must we fight this silly war?
To kill and die is such a bore.”
”I quite agree,” said General Gore.
Said General Gore to General Clay,
”We could go to the beach today
And have some ice cream on the way.”
”A grand idea,” said General Clay.
Said General Clay to General Gore,
”We’ll build sand castles on the shore.”
Said General Gore,”We’ll splash and play.”
”Let’s leave right now,” said General Clay.
Said General Gore to General Clay,
”But what if the sea is closed today?
And what if the sand’s been blown away?”
”A dreadful thought,” said General Clay.
Said General Gore to General Clay,
”I’ve always feared the ocean’s spray,
And we may drown!””It’s true, we may.
It chills my blood,” said General Clay.
Said General Clay to General Gore,
”My bathing suit is slightly tore.
We’d better go on with our war.”
”I quite agree,” said General Gore.
Then General Clay charged General Gore
As bullets flew and cannons roared.
And now, alas! there is no more
Of General Clay or General Gore.