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2014-01-19 19:36:27

◆ 老症桃 ◆ 一邊畫畫一邊喇迪賽~

mahapn140119.JPG◆ 老症桃 ◆ 一邊畫畫一邊喇迪賽~以前在工作上認識的一些朋友,雖然不常見面,但偶爾還會伊妹兒聯絡著。這幾年我就少參加聚會了,應該是超怕的,呵~~~~因為一見面朋友...還是會一直抱怨,一直唸......

2014-01-18 00:16:26

◆ 有始有終 ◆

140117.JPG◆ 有始有終 ◆感謝一切!太棒了!趕在小朋友放寒假前能健康的出勤。事先的準備~做了一些杯蓋娃娃拼貼、福氣蝙蝠拼貼、年年有魚拼貼…還有寶劍!以及小鴨鴨貼紙。(本來這空糖果盒不知要做什麼,打算要回收...

2014-01-16 17:11:12

◆ 碰次 ◆ 一邊畫畫一邊喇迪賽~

mahapn140116.JPG◆ 碰次 ◆ 一邊畫畫一邊喇迪賽~在都會的公園樹幹上,看見二隻松鼠。超可愛的!避免讓動物來向我討食,我只有靜靜的看著牠們。(其實牠們光靠垃圾桶的剩食,就可以吃個半飽了)(否則公園哪來的果食可供...

2014-01-12 20:42:23

◆ I like eating vegetables ◆

mahapn140112.JPG◆ I like eating vegetables ◆前幾年自從知道這種蔬菜的長像,我竟愛上他了!每年的這個季節,快過年前吧!還蠻期待他的出現。這幾天發現他又出現在賣場,當場買了五大包(約七、八束),把他帶回家...

2014-01-12 00:02:05

◆ Children's World are naive ◆

140111t1.JPG◆ Children's World are naive ◆近期教小朋友們做"蝙蝠美勞",福氣滿滿折紙加上拼貼,再加貼蝙蝠加蝴蝶,雙福臨門,都很喜氣。(利用杯蓋做拼貼掛飾)還有過年應景可裝糖果的"籃子拼貼"。(不需剪刀很適合...

2014-01-10 00:09:52

◆ We are Alpacas~ not horses! ◆

mahapn140110.JPG◆ We are Alpacas~ not horses! ◆「If you can dream it, you can do it」But ...We are Alpacas~ not horses!^^Have you done your duty well?----------------------------------------The D...

2014-01-09 01:51:19

◆ 胖虎演唱會~ 唱到伊歐叫! ◆

mahapn140109.JPG◆ 胖虎演唱會~ 唱到伊歐叫! ◆覺得又完成了一件事情交託給上帝,掛在心中的重擔也輕了些,在平凡清靜的日子,一點一滴餵養著自己小小的夢想,非關他人,而是與上帝的約定,上帝要我這麼做、這麼行...

2014-01-07 20:38:32

◆ 麻花辮的新書預告~ 《甜酒釀》 ◆

140107-T1.JPG◆ 麻花辮的新書預告~ 《甜酒釀》 ◆◆ My New Announcement ◆This book is dedicated to the unconditional loving Godas well as my grandpa and grandma whom took good care of me.When I was a l...

2014-01-07 20:36:22

◆ 麻花辮已出版的圖文作品~ ◆

140107-T2.JPG◆ 麻花辮的新書預告~ 《甜酒釀》 ◆◆ My Pubblished Books ◆These books are dedicated to the unconditional loving God.

2014-01-02 22:44:50

◆ 2013年已成為生命中的一部份! ◆

mahapn140102b.JPG◆ 2013年已成為生命中的一部份! ◆感謝主!從歲首到年終都蒙你的眷顧!過去2013年,已成為生命中的一部份!2014年,都要健健康康的!祝福2014年,一切順心如意,計劃和夢想繼續前進和實踐!Cheer...

2014-01-02 00:42:46

◆ My first day of 2014 ◆

140101aa.JPG◆ My first day of 2014 ◆Best Wishes for 2014 Happy New Year!140101bb.JPG◆ My first day of 2014 ◆140101cc.JPG◆ My first day of 2014 ◆

2013-12-29 19:07:50

◆ Where am I going? ◆

131229.JPG◆ Where am I going? ◆Here...Here!Hispid bottle gourd stew.Stew the Hispid bottle gourd with chili peppers.The vegetable food is delicious.(((yummy~)))

2013-12-25 16:53:31

◆ Guess who I am ? ◆

131225.JPG◆ Guess who I am ? ◆It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.(~Batman)Guess who I am ?Not Santa Claus~Not Snowman~Not Christmas tree~Ho~ Ho~ Ho~I am......I am......I a...

2013-12-24 08:38:00

◆ The season Best wishes! ◆

mahapn131224.JPG◆ The season Best wishes! ◆Dear Friends!May the festival of lights bring joy and prosperity to you and your family.Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!Peace~ Joy~...

2013-12-20 00:10:17


131219.JPG◆ CAN YOU SEE ME? ◆I am in the bell. Ha~~~~~ ^^

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