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2020-01-02 01:12:19

◆ 新年!勇氣繼續加油! ◆

mahapn200101a1.JPG◆ 新年!勇氣繼續加油! ◆又平安度過一年!雖然年年都有出奇不意的驚濤駭浪,但還是勇渡了!在不經意的平淡中,繼續認真的生活!---------------------------------------大山可以挪開,小山可以...

2020-01-01 22:21:00

◆ 2020新月曆 ◆

191231a1.JPG191231a2.JPG191231a3.JPG191231a4.JPG ◆ 2020新月曆 ◆======================================◆ 2020--Calendar ◆======================================

2019-12-31 00:25:06

◆ 伍圓‧有緣! ◆

191230a1.JPG191230a2.JPG191230a3a.JPG191230a4.JPG -------------------------------------------------------------------------◆ 伍圓‧有緣! ◆緣來不狂喜,緣去不強留!==================================...

2019-12-30 00:47:34

◆ 《深夜閒話》なんちゃぁない話 ◆

191229a1.JPG◆ 《深夜閒話》なんちゃぁない話 ◆《深夜閒話:安倍夜郎雜文集》なんちゃぁない話【找到適合自己的位置,細水長流地走下去,我花了二十年呢】【那些看似不值一提的瑣碎日常,才是生活的真正滋味】《深...

2019-12-29 00:48:09

◆ DIY-聖誕不倒翁 & 放光聖誕樹--教案 ◆

191228a1.JPG191228a2.JPG191228a3.JPG191228a4.JPG191228a5.JPG ◆ DIY-聖誕不倒翁 & 放光聖誕樹--教案 ◆BOOK:《小雪兔的聖誕禮物》《最棒的假期》延伸遊戲:旅遊行程票選

2019-12-26 23:49:36

200-196◆ 上帝愛你的方式 ◆

mahapn191226a1.JPG200-196◆ 上帝愛你的方式 ◆在一些福音卡片和印刷品上,常常可以見到【上帝愛你的方式 其實你不知道】我把這卡片收起來,夾在聖經導讀的禱告本內,有時候會拿出來看看...特別在一些...不明白的時...

2019-12-25 13:23:02

◆ DIY-翻滾唄!聖誕老公公! ◆

191225t1.JPG191225t2.JPG191225t3.JPG191225t4.JPG191225t5.JPG◆ DIY-翻滾唄!聖誕老公公! ◆BOOK:《實驗好好玩:滾動的遊戲》《EXPÉRIENCES POUR ROULER》創意的起點:「巴黎科學工業城」(Cité de...

2019-12-25 00:49:26

◆ 平安夜 ◆

191224a1.JPG191224a2.JPG191224a3.JPG191224a4.JPG◆ 平安夜 ◆======================================◆ Christmas Eve ◆May God bless you and keep you, May God Bless You With Joy, Peace and His Sweet Pre...

2019-12-23 21:28:53

◆ DIY-皇冠 ◆

191223p1.JPG191223p2.JPG191223p3.JPG191223p4.JPG191223p5.JPG191223p6.JPG◆ DIY-皇冠 ◆======================================◆ DIY-Crown ◆======================================

2019-12-22 22:43:41

◆ DIY-花頭飾 ◆

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2019-12-22 00:02:11

◆ Christmas Blessings For You! ◆

mahapn191221a1.JPG◆ Christmas Blessings For You! ◆Christmas is the time of giving and sharing,it is the time of loving and forgiving. May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and lo...

2019-12-20 00:56:06

◆ Learning Japanese by Watch Japanese Drama ◆

191219a1.JPG191219a2.JPG191219a3.JPG191219a4.JPG191219a5.JPG◆ Learning Japanese by Watch Japanese Drama ◆

2019-12-19 00:51:40

◆ 山嵐‧雲‧霧 ◆

191218a1.JPG191218a2.JPG191218a3.JPG◆ 山嵐‧雲‧霧 ◆忍耐生老練,老練生盼望(羅馬書5:4)======================================

2019-12-18 00:22:43

◆ May happiness follow wherever you go! ◆

mahapn191217a1.JPG◆ May happiness follow wherever you go! ◆May God bless and keep you always; God Bless You With Joy, Peace, Happiness; May God bless you and keep you safe; May God Bless you with M...

2019-12-16 23:52:45

◆ Wishing You A Beautiful Christmas Season ◆

mahapn191216a1.JPG◆ Wishing You A Beautiful Christmas Season ◆Christmas is a season of great joy~a time for remembering the past and hoping for the future. May the glorious message of peace and love...

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