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2007-01-09 19:55:28| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Hello peeps,

Sorry for the delay between blogs. First off I’d like to thank everyone for their kind msgs.
Even though my blog is in english, I can read chinese replies... well most of them anyways (I just can’t type chinese).
My company asked if I wanted my blogs translated into chinese.
I dont mind either way so let me know if you guys want it translated.

To the people that leave me replies saying hey do you remember me? ...
It’s really hard to remember people when they just pass by.
So if you do bump into me feel free to come over and say hello, and hopefully I’ll remember better...if not...dont hold it against me.

Well lets see, hope everyone had a nice 2 weeks or so.
I’ve been doing some work here and there. One thing that really bugged me this week was my sleep.
Normally I’m one of those guys that sleeps 8+ hrs.
I can usually sleep through most things...like the tv, people chatting, on a plane, in a car...basically everywhere.
But starting last week, I wake up at I think around 4 am or so, to the sound of a jackhammer.

So I did what most people do, I rolled around for a few minutes and covered my head with the pillow.
So I still can’t sleep and I look over at the clock and wow its 4 am.
Still groggy, I get up head over to the window and look down and its construction right down the street. So I say ’$#%##^’ and try to go back to sleep.
By now my brain is starting to work, and i’m lying in bed and it starts making me angry.

I’m wondering to myself, why are they doing construction at 4 am?!
So I think a little more and figure it must be because during the day there’s too much traffic, but then I’m wondering don’t you need permits to do this?
How does the city allow construction in a residential area at 4 am? This goes on for about 3 days straight.

How does someone take out their stamp and say ’oh construction at 4 am next to peoples apartments? sure approved’ mother$#%#$%.
Seems this stuff happens everywhere.
Not sure if they are just lazy, just dont care, or just plain stupid.

Anyways, I thought i’d share this little rant with everyone.

台長: 天氣。。。有點騷
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