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2007-01-09 19:51:46| 人氣48| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Hey people!

Just wrapped up all my vocal recording 2 days ago. Yeah! I’m really happy with this album,(um not that I wasn’t happy about my other ones haha). It’s a bit more melodic than my previous albums, and i’m really happy with the lyrics. Spent many a nights fixing this and fixing that with my good friend Luke (xiao tzwei from machi). I don’t really want to go into it too much since I still think music is what you make of it. Either you like it or you don’t :) Some people couldn’t give a shit about what you are singing about and maybe they just like the melody. So I’ll just shut my mouth and let you guys form your own opinions when it comes out.

Thanks for all the kind posts. I see a lot of you are asking what its like to work with Jolin...actually it seems more of you are wondering about these rumors flying around. Well let me just say doing some dirty dancing on stage doesnt mean you’re dating them...But I must say after working with her, I’ve gained quite a bit of respect for her. These days you see a lot of artists that just don’t respect their craft. They just expect things to be handed to them on a silver platter. They don’t care about their music, lyrics, style, or maybe they do but they expect someone else to do it for them.

It really blows my mind when all they want is to be famous. Talent can only take you so far...the rest is just hard work. So its very inspiring when you see someone as famous and successful as Jolin working harder than everybody else.

Alright it’s still a bit early, so going to go whoop on some people in warcraft with my brother and a few friends. Thanks for reading.



呼~〈汗〉 都看不懂 誰可以幫我翻譯 ??

不然我就要用翻譯機 一個字一個字慢慢來

呼~~!!我英文 真的很爛押><


台長: 天氣。。。有點騷
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