My album is out!
So how is everyone? Have a great new year? I spent mine in Taipei and Tao Yuan. I hear artists complain all the time...why do I have to work on New Years?! I want to spend it with my friends and family! I got to spend mine with 400,000 people hehe.
I thought mine was kinda cool. How many other people can say I got to countdown to 200,000 people in Tao Yuan?
My album is out! Hope you guys like it...cuz I sure do! haha...which songs do you guys like the most? the least? or which ones do you think is just pure shit? haha...I don’t care, let me hear your opinions!
Just for curiousity’s sake. I really dont mind since I like my songs. Let me have it! But if you hate it, at least give me a reason, or ill think youre just hating and ignore it.
Anyways, I really am happy to be putting out this new album. It’s been over two years since the last one. I got to work with some really great people and its really been quite an experience.
Yes I am also refering to my female leads in my MV’s haha. The actually writing and recording of the album went really smoothly. I think the hardest part was figuring out what I wanted to write about.
People as a whole are fickle and self-involved, but when you observe them individually you’ll notice they have so much more compassion and ideals. It’s kind of like when you go out with a bunch of friends, all you want to do is have fun...but when you hang out with just 1 friend your conversations will be much more detailed, or you might even have philisophical debates. So me being the idealistic person that I am (or maybe ignorant)...I wanted to make an album that reflects both sides of people.
I remember albums that I would play over and over while doing my homework, and other albums I would play when I was getting ready to go out. Then there was the albums that when I had nothing to do I would open up the lyric books (actually I remember a lot of the albums didnt have any lyrics in them so I’d have to memorize them) and dissect what they were singing about. The great ones can actually take you on a journey. So what I wanted was a melodic album where you could listen to it while doing your own thing, but lyrically powerful
enough to be able to make people think and take a good look at themselves. Alright im starting to blabber, its getting late and I need to hit the sack. Til next time!
大家好嗎?是不是有一個很開心的新年呢? 跨年那天我在台北跟桃園啊.
以前聽過很多藝人總是抱怨 ”為什麼我在新年還是得工作?! 我想跟我的家人與朋友一起過這一天啊!”
有多少人可以說, 我在桃園對著200000人倒數呢?
哈哈!無論是好是壞, 讓我聽聽你們的意見吧! 因為我真的好奇啊.
因為我很喜歡我的歌, 所以很希望大家讓我知道你們的想法,
就算你真的很討厭, 至少讓我知道是為什麼, 或者是你根本就只是討厭!
不管怎樣, 我真的很高興出了這張新專輯. 距離上一張已經是兩年前了.
這次我跟很多很棒的, 經驗豐富的人在一起工作, 當然包含了和我合作MV的女主角們哈哈.
大部份的人都是變來變去然後只關心自己想做的事情, 但當你仔細去觀察每一個人,
這就有點像當你跟一群朋友出去玩, 你們的目的就只是好玩...
但當你只跟其中一個人出去的時候, 你們之間的對話自然而然就變得比較多細節, 甚至是進行一個哲學辯論,
我這個貪心的完美主義者, (說不定是個天真的笨蛋)...
也有些專輯是當我準備出門玩的時候聽的, 當然也有些專輯是我沒有事做的時候,
會把歌詞本拿出來(其實有很多是沒有附歌詞本的, 我得用記的)然後開始研究他們在唱些什麼
那樣真正棒的專輯, 是可以把人帶到一個有畫面的境界的
所以我這次真正想做的就是一張不但旋律好聽, 當你在做自己的事情的時候會想聽的專輯,
而且歌詞又夠有深度, 可以讓人想一想然後變得更正面的. 這就是這次我想做的!
好啦!我又開始亂扯了, 有點晚了, 我也該去休息了, 下次見了
(中文為部落格管理員代為翻譯, 非黃立行本人)
哈尼 英文 波棒~!因為哈尼是ABC麻