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2007-03-04 12:20:42| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

its a boring idea .......

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didn’t know anything,
didn’t know what is ahead,
what was the result at the end,
anyone didn’t know,
too.wanted to get a wing to get near you,
like a child snuggled beside you,
but the idea is impossible to get materiaze now,
that’s why,
the idea of the person is always beautiful,
what is my idea now,
its white,
its like a paper,
thougt the idea did not materialize before,
but I was thinking that it is impossible,
because I can not find you anymore,
can not see anymore about the smile of an angel,
not anymore mild talking,
really want to be a fire to burn myself,
for myself to burn and vanish slowly,
why is it like this,
I don’t know,
I want to be like a bird and be happy,
but now I like the glowworm’s light vanish slowly,
anything is impossible,
really want to close the box by myself,
but now I am like a Pandor’s box let the disaster come,
I am always like that,
I don’t know my purpose in life that is for what.

台長: 米奇林
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