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The Swiss Fintech Alliance Driving Innovation Collaboration

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As of 1 June 2023, the Swiss Fintechs Alliance (SFA) association proudly represents all licensed fintechs in Switzerland, as defined by persons art. 1 b of the Swiss Banking Act. This collective alliance plays a vital role in the country's financial technology industry, creating an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration. Moreover, the SFA offers valuable advice and support to applicants falling under art. 1b, drawing upon the expertise of its members in the fields of crypto, finance, and law.

One of the primary objectives of the Swiss Fintech Association is to encourage innovation and knowledge, particularly in emerging technologies and the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. By fostering collaboration among tech-driven finance companies, regulatory authorities, and political representatives, the SFA aims to maintain Switzerland's competitiveness on the global fintech stage. Through active participation in various projects, we strive to promote environmental protection and the integration of individuals and companies facing disadvantaged circumstances.

As a politically and confessionally neutral non-profit organization, the SFA is dedicated to advancing disruptive finance. We recognize the transformative power of fintech, which combines finance and technology to revolutionize global economies. By leveraging its capabilities, fintech enhances efficiency, empowers individuals and businesses, and opens up a world of possibilities. Embracing this groundbreaking phenomenon is crucial in driving economic growth and fostering financial inclusion.

In this era of rapid evolution, harnessing the potential of technology in finance becomes an imperative. It enables us to create a sustainable and inclusive global financial ecosystem that is well-prepared to tackle future challenges and opportunities. The Swiss Fintech Alliance is at the forefront of this movement, actively supporting and contributing to Switzerland's growing financial innovation landscape.

Through collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and active engagement with relevant stakeholders, the SFA strives to shape the future of fintech in Switzerland and beyond. Our dedication to disruptive finance serves as a catalyst for progress, facilitating the integration of cutting-edge technologies into traditional financial systems.

台長: sddasssdadadasd
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