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2017-07-27 23:51:43| 人氣856| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

《Poem》Then you lose her

推薦 1 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

It's the time
Close to the day
Slow and slowly

she is quiet from she has been so quiet
even with smiles
even breath with sweet kisses

get used to it Then
you fall her in apart
lastly Care are
those repeating modes
which doesn't mean to understand and giving love

broken from the distance
mentally and physically creation
then you lose her
when you are losing her

Let rain fill in the gap
to be the river
to be the song
to be the ocean
to be the sin

nothing is from happiness
and nothing is worth to be sad


台長: S
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評) | 個人分類: 2017 |

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