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2009-03-18 09:54:57| 人氣179| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sorry day

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今天天氣很好 很涼爽 不冷不熱 溼度也剛好
我的皮膚 很舒服XD


昨晚 我在準備洗澡前 看到濃白白的肌膚
忍不住羨慕地跟她說:濃~ 妳皮膚好白喔
濃:這是因為我媽 她懷我的時候每天都吃白色的食物啊


吃衛生紙嗎? 吃衛生紙嗎? 吃衛生紙嗎? 吃衛生紙嗎? 吃衛生紙嗎?

除了濃與婆婆外 我跟悠悠都笑到對面寢的過來"關心"了XD
科科 當下真的很好笑 :)

噢噢 我今天不是只想分享這件事
剛剛在查 "up with people" 這個合唱團體時
發現了 "道德重整協會" 這玩意 非常有趣
裡頭有個網頁 "誠實日" 我在這裡看到這個(下面) 我只貼澳洲的 其它自己去看
我只是在想說 台灣的228紀念日 應該是屬於台灣的sorry day吧XD

這網頁有美國 加拿大 澳洲 三國sorry day的由來

澳洲的sorry day, 不只是一個純粹的誠實日,也是政府承認過去執政的失誤, 愚昧百姓的作為所做的道歉行為. 它是一個心靈醫治的過程,也是一個人與人和好的活動. 在此我們摘錄相關中英文資料與大家分享:

國家道歉日(National Sorry Day)是一個從1998年開始每年5月26日在澳大利亞舉行的紀念日,以紀念過去澳洲政府對土著居民兒童的傷害從1880年代至1960年代,澳大利亞政府以改善土著兒童智力為由,把土著兒童強制安置到撫養機構或白人家庭中。並銷毀土著兒童親生父母的資料,以防止他們尋找原來的親人。估計有超過十萬兒童被強制安置,但確切數字無法統計。這批被重新安置的兒童被稱為「被盜竊的一代」(「the Stolen Generation」)。
1997年4月,澳大利亞人權和平等權利委員會發表了名為《帶他們回家》(Bringing them home)的報告,披露了這個土著兒童重新安置計劃。並在1998年5月26日設立「國家道歉日」,舉行各種活動,以讓對此事有責任的組織道歉。(維基百科,自由的百科全書)

The first National Sorry Day was held on 26 May 1998 - one year after the tabling of the report Bringing them Home which was the result of an inquiry into the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.

One of the recommendations of the report was that a National Sorry Day should be declared. Sorry Day offered the community the opportunity to be involved in activities to acknowledge the impact of the policies of forcible removal on Australia’s indigenous populations.A huge range of community activities took place across Australia on Sorry Day in 1998. Sorry Books, in which people could record their personal feelings, were presented to representatives of the indigenous communities. Hundreds of thousands of signatures were received. People could also register an apology electronically. You can view the 24,763 apologies to Australia’s indigenous people made at Apology Australia.

On Sunday 28th May 2000 more than 250,000 people participated in the Corroboree 2000 Bridge Walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge. This walk was in support of Indigenous Australians and was organised by the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (now known as Reconciliation Australia), a Federal Government initiative to promote greater understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The event highlighted the issue of a lack of an apology by the Commonwealth Government to the Stolen Generations.Sorry Day was an annual event between 1998 and 2004.

National Day of HealingIn 2005 the National Sorry Day Committee renamed Sorry Day as a National Day of Healing for all Australians: ’The Day will focus on the healing needed throughout Australian society if we are to achieve reconciliation’ (Extract from the National Sorry Day Council Archives: Senator Aden Ridgeway, National Day of Healing Launch, Great Hall Parliament House, Canberra, Wednesday 25 May 2005). The National Day of Healing is an annual event, with marches, speeches and presentations held through the country.

台長: Kelly
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