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2008-12-14 15:53:04

讓我告訴你 什麼是迷彩套裝


2008-12-09 09:20:47



2008-12-07 14:40:16


終於 要20歲了可以擺脫 這一年了終於 不用在管以前了還有 謝謝妳等我

2008-11-23 15:35:19

This is the new shit

Everything's been said before 所有的事都在老調重談There's nothing left to say anymore 沒有什麼新鮮事可以討論了When it's all the same 當一切都平凡無奇You can ask for it by name 你甚至可以叫出它的名字Ba...

2008-11-23 15:14:28

Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams

walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever known我獨自走在 這熟悉的寂寞公路上Don’t know where it goes卻不知道它通往哪裡But it’s home to me and I walk alone只有我 和自己作伴I walk this empty st...

2008-11-23 15:09:35

Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-QaFWURsMU&feature=related     I’ll try," she said as he walked away. "Try not to lose you." Two vibrant hearts could change. Nothing tears the being more than de...

2008-11-23 15:06:37

Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRGeYU7jChs   Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen像似進入一場夢境,不是如你所見的so unsure but it seems Cause we’ve been waiting for you那看起來似乎...

2008-11-23 14:57:29

smells like teen spirit

http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=fbsQKd9ELf4 Smells Like Teen Spirit / 彷彿年輕朝氣 Load up on guns and bring your friends / 槍枝上膛,把你的朋友帶來 It's fun to lose and to pretend / 輸了卻佯裝鎮定真好...

2008-11-23 13:07:42


對 我喜歡聽很吵的音樂 對 我喜歡樂團 對 重金屬很吵 可是我喜歡 我就是喜歡ROCKER 你們管不了我!! 這是我的世界

2008-11-22 14:17:23


人心 也會冷 望著廈門跟金門之間的海峽 我在想 如果 我能走在海上 該有多好 如果 我能在天上飛 該有多好 如果 做人 自由點 該有多好 如果 不被束縛 該有多好 如果 能找的一個 真正關心我 ...

2008-11-15 11:23:08


為了錢 什麼事情都幹的出來

2008-11-15 05:49:03


看到這篇文章 我已經開完庭了 然後 有100%不在場證明以及有143個證人的我 如果還指認我 我就要告誣告了 而且我告定了

2008-11-07 21:50:58

幹 要回去了 然後13號回來台灣 SO COOL


2008-11-06 22:41:18

恩 沒錯

你說的沒錯 我是很賤

2008-11-05 14:02:49

beast and the harlot

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj1JT2dmAKw     Beast and The Harlot This shining city built of gold, a far cry from innocence,There's more than meets the eye round here, look to the waters of t...

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