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I had a strange dream last night.


In the dream, I was struggled to escape from the flood.

在夢裡, 我掙扎著要逃離一場洪水

Few minutes later, a man appeared suddenly and saved me.

不消幾分鐘, 有個人突然出現並且救了我

We walked for a while and then found a refuge built below the ground


我們步行了一會後, 發現了在地平面之下, 有一個避難所

It seemed like a church, however, there was no cross there.

它看起來像是個一個教堂, 不過沒有任何的十字架在那裡

Without hesitation, we entered the door of the special church.

沒有一點遲疑, 我們走進了這個特別的教堂

As soon as we got to the inside, a wonderful picture presented in front

of us---

一走到教堂的內部, 一副美妙的畫面立刻出現在我們眼前---

I saw hundreds of white tables and chairs, and hundreds of girls about

twenty years old in white clothes seated well.

我看到幾百張白色桌椅, 以及幾百個年約二十的女子身著白衣, 端正地坐著.

It seemed they were prepared to enjoy their lunch.


Actually, there was a wide and long window between the girls and I.

事實上, 我和她們之間, 隔了一個又長又寬的玻璃

I felt so peaceful and warm at this moment.

此時此刻, 我感到非常平靜也異常溫暖.

But something was going on.


I left the church suddenly without any memory, and then I experienced

another adventure.

我不知道為何我會突然離開教堂, 之後, 我又經歷了一場冒險

I became a player in a climbing game.


I tried very hard to climb the slope, and at last, I made it.

我用盡力氣爬上斜坡, 最終, 我成功了

However, a man on the top of the slope, who looked like one of my

colleagues said, " You are two minutes late. So you can’t get the

reward $2000. "

然而, 山頂上有個長得很像我同事的人對我說: 妳遲到了兩分鐘,


I was a little bit disappointed, but I chose to go on my adventure.

我有一點失望, 但我選擇繼續完成我的旅程

So I left this place by sliding.

所以我順著溜滑梯滑行, 離開了這個地方

It was sooner to arrive the ground than I thought it would be.


台長: 長小魚
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