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2008-07-30 23:22:37| 人氣193| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Fabulous name, cool ...
Let’s say, I should say Taiwanese is good at translation. I can see that they virtue watched it than named it plus great attainments in Chinese.

Well, I suppose some people knew what it is about in this movie if
they have seen this.

I am just here to state my feeling, maybe this movie is trying to cynically demonstrate that people should always have goal, unless you will just like..... What does his name again?! Well, just like the main character feel stress everyday, everything is non-meaning for him, or.... insulting by boss every single hour.

So, my points is, you will have motivation if you have some goal, then work hard on it. Aftermath you are getting better on achieve that goal, more self-satisfaction would acerbated the speed of successes.

It’s kind of true, isn’t it?

But uh, the things that I dislike in this movie is: there are too many offensive words in conversation, such as, you know, ”fucking”~~
American classical spoken language I definitely sure..... sorry :P

Some people insult the American English was reasonable, coz I have been both use British and American English Dictionary then discover that British expression is pretty upper-level. I am saying American Eng is... is vulgar, at least is earlier to understand, yeah?

all right, no points to say this whole passage...

What do you think anyways? :P
Well, the conclusion is uh um, oh, I thought Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman would fell in love at the end, but it wasn’t what I expect.....

maybe because she is just married I don’t know...

oak’s ... this movie is not bed, at least gave me some inspirations...its merit then~

台長: 毛毛
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