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2016-09-18 07:30:24| 人氣441| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

160917 voguekorea Instagram 更新允兒

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📺 액션 드라마 <#TheK2> 의 여주로 분한 배우 #윤아 와의 랑데부❤️ <#보그> 카메라에 담긴 여배우 윤아 #Yoona (@yoona__lim)의 새로운 변신, <#VOGUEKOREA> 10월호와 보그닷컴(VOGUE.CO.KR)에서 공개됩니다👸🏻 STAY TUNED🙏🏻
(🎬GEFF 🖋 Gukhwa Hong)
Here are some bits of Vogue Korea's rendezvous with #Yoona, who will be starring in the new action drama series "The K2" as the main character! Stay tuned for Yoona's shoot with Vogue Korea - to be released in our October issue and VOGUE.CO.KR.
#少女時代 #允兒

來源:voguekorea https://www.instagram.com/p/BKdNQe1B5XM/

台長: 李奕
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