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《特C、D區 - 整隊時間地點》

※ 整隊地點:
‧特C區:請從小巨蛋北區廣場東北側 (面對北區5號門外左側整隊)。

※ 整隊時間:
‧5/7 (六) – 整隊17:00、進場18:00、開演19:00。
‧5/8 (日) – 整隊13:00、進場14:00、開演15:00。


※ 請注意!整隊時是依照票卡上「入場序號」排隊,請準時到場整隊!

※ 進場入口:
‧ 特AB區:請從小巨蛋北區入口「5號門」進入會場。
‧ 2. 3樓座位區:請從小巨蛋「北大門」及「南大門」進入會場。

※ 進場時間:
‧ 5/7 (六) – 進場:18:00、開演19:00。
‧ 5/8 (日) – 進場:14:00、開演15:00。


※ 取票時間(限取當日票,不得提前取票)
◎ 5/7 (六) - 當日請於14:00~19:00之間取票。
◎ 5/8 (日) - 當日請於11:00~15:00之間取票。

※ 請注意!特CD區請在整隊前完成取票動作,以避免耽誤您入場順序。

※ 取票時,請務必出示下列資料以供核對身份:
(1) 訂單編號 (必備;請至「訂單查詢」頁面查看「訂單編號」)。
(2) 購票會員身份證明文件 (必備;身份證、健保卡或護照擇一,限正本)。

※ 取票地點:台北小巨蛋北區入口六號門內之取票服務台領取。


來源: https://www.facebook.com/superdometw/posts/1391298704220967
GIRLS' GENERATION 4th TOUR - Phantasia - in TAIPEI - 【主辦單位公告及觀賞守則】

《主辦單位公告 / Announcement》

藝人來回台均走VIP通道,班機資訊將不另外公告,請勿專程前往接機,以節省您寶貴時間。此外為確保大多數觀眾的觀賞權益,避免少數觀眾刻意違反演唱會觀賞守則而攜帶攝影設備、大型應援板、板凳類加高設備…等違禁品,而影響其他觀眾觀賞視線,故於演唱會進場時,將執行驗包動作,一經發現攜帶違禁品,主辦單位有權立即請違反者離開現場自行另覓處所寄物 (現場無法另提供寄物區,請自行處理)。 敬請務必遵守,如有不便,尚請見諒。

To ensure the best experience for the fans, our staff will be checking audience personal belongings such as backpacks or handbags at the entrance for the show.

If any audience members bringing recording devices, large cheer supplies and height-adding device such as stools and folding chairs…etc, which will distracted other audience members from enjoying the show, he promoter keeps the right to ask the audience who against the rules to leave the event.

No locker provided on site, please to seek other storage. Please cooperate with the procedures, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

타인의 공연 관람의 위해 개인응원도구 및 스텐딩용 발판(혹은 간이의자)휴대를 금지합니다. 또한 촬영 및 녹음 행위는 공연에 대한 저작권 및 아티스트나 전속사의 퍼블리시티권을 침해하는 불법행위입니다. 공연장 내에는 촬영 및 녹음이 가능한 전자기기의 반입이 절대 불가합니다. 관객 입장 시, 가방 검사를 진행할 예정이며, 적발시 퇴장 조치됩니다.


《觀賞守則 / Rules and Regulations》


Due to the copyright reasons, CAMERA, VIDEO or AUDIO recording are strictly Not allowed in the concert. The audiences who found taking photos or bringing any prohibited materials into the venue will be taken into the process as follows:

◆ Removing that persons from the venue immediately.

◆ Deleting any photos and videos taken during the concert.

◆ Taking back the concert ticket and prohibiting that persons from re-entering the venue.

2.應援物尺寸請勿超過 40 cm X 40 cm,以避免影響其他觀眾觀賞視線。

Cheering tools, fabric and paper banners larger than 40cm x 40cm are NOT allowed.


Selfie stick, LED banner, folding stools, balloons, glowing swords, large-sized cheer supplies and chair or any kind of height-adding device are NOT allowed.


Only "PINK" sticks and light sticks which are longer than 25 cm are NOT allowed.


Throwing objects at the performers or staff on stage is strictly forbidden.


ALL food & beverage are NOT allowed. (Bottled water is allowed)


Signs, posters, or other such items are forbidden inside and outside the venue without approval.


Food stalls and other retail stalls are strictly forbidden without approval on concert property.


When fan club personnel hand out the cheer supplies, please do not block the standing zone and seating zone line-up route.


Please take your cheer supplies and trash with you after the show.


In case of force majeure factors, SuperDome reserves the right to change or alter the activity regulations. Changes will be posted on the SuperDome official facebook.

來源: https://www.facebook.com/superdometw/posts/1391327747551396

台長: 李奕

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