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2012-01-30 04:10:04| 人氣524| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Last night, Tiffany completed her final performance for the musical “Fame”. In the musical, she portrayed the character Carmen Diaz, a performing arts student with dreams of becoming famous. Her first performance was a little over a month ago, and SONEs showed their support for Tiffany by sending a large amount of rice to celebrate her musical debut. For her final show last night, SONEs put together another special event to show their appreciation and love for Tiffany.

After the final curtain call, SONEs prepared a cake outside the venue where the musical was performed. The cake was surrounded by candles arranged in a heart shape. Once Tiffany emerged from the venue, SONEs cheered wildly and congratulated her for a successful stint as a musical actress. After blowing out a candle on the cake and drawing loud applause from the fans, Tiffany exclaimed, “Saranghaeyo!” to the fans and promised to continue working hard in the future.


The congratulatory fan event ended as Tiffany walked to her car on a red carpet that was lined on both sides by candles. The red carpet and candles had also been prepared by SONEs in attendance. Tiffany turned and waved to her fans several more times before finally getting in her car to return home. 


The next foray for Girls’ Generation into the world of stage musicals begins on March 28th, as Sunny will assume the role of Brenda in the musical “Catch Me If You Can”.


Source: sosiz, Klaina9@YouTube.com, YuriGallery@YouTube.com
Written by: michaelroni@soshified

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就在昨夜,Tiffany完成了音樂劇“FAME”的最後一場表演。在此音樂劇中,她刻畫主演的是主人公Carmen Diaz,一個有著夢想希望成名的藝術表演系學生。她的首映是在一個月以前,SONE捐贈2.4噸的大米應援支持Tiffany音樂劇首映。在昨晚的最後一場表演後,SONE再次準備了一個特殊的應援來表達對帕尼的喜愛和讚賞。



少女時代下一場進軍世界音樂劇舞台的表演是在三月28日,Sunny將在“Catch Me If You Can”中飾演布蘭達。



台長: 李奕

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