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2023-11-27 19:29:17
2013-08-20 14:20:36

130820 西卡 微博 更新[集中]

So hot!![陽光] Something cold to drink? [雪][抱抱]好熱!![陽光] 想喝冰的東西? [雪][抱抱]來源:Sy__Jessica http://weibo.com/3547642417/A5BKpnTDk

2013-08-20 13:09:51

130820 西卡&允兒 @ HairCouture 官推更新圖2P


2013-08-20 04:51:55

130820 Yuri Instagram 更新[集中]

Black .來源:yulyulk http://instagram.com/p/dNV0GPNZPP/---------來源:yulyulk http://instagram.com/p/dNeA1nNZNr/

2013-08-19 23:08:51

130819 帕尼《Allure》9月號 雜誌掃圖3P


2013-08-19 21:13:49

130819 帕尼《Vogue Girl》9月號 雜誌掃圖9P打包

來源:801dayz[9P]打包: http://www.mediafire.com/download/k147khrxr1hakdb打包轉自:elingng85

2013-08-19 21:10:53
2013-08-19 15:46:33

130819 Yuri - sone plus更新圖1P+留言翻譯

cr:RedSunsetXIII---------[留言]I recently went with the members to Las Vegas for a schedule!Whenever I had some free time, I went to watch shows and I was able to make lots of fun memories.Also when I...

2013-08-19 15:44:33

130819 Yuri Instagram 更新[集中]

비틀즈 꺄아아아아...披頭士 啊啊啊啊...翻譯:權侑莉吧來源:yulyulk http://instagram.com/p/dL2LidNZJZ/

2013-08-19 14:33:17

130819 西卡 微博 更新[集中]

Peek-a-boo[偷笑]捉迷藏[偷笑]來源:Sy__Jessica http://weibo.com/3547642417/A5sjdpqnA

2013-08-19 12:57:16
2013-08-18 17:32:28

130818 Yuri Instagram 更新[集中]

새벽이네?!是凌晨呢?!翻譯:飽貓007來源:yulyulk http://instagram.com/p/dJeN3ftZOb/---------#라스베가스 #힙합도모르면서#拉斯維加斯 #明明不懂Hip hop翻譯:飽貓007來源:yulyulk http://instagram.com/p/dJfXU_NZP...

2013-08-18 13:30:18

130818 太妍 Instagram 更新[集中]

BeautifulNightView #LV美麗的夜景 #拉斯維加斯來源:taeyeon_ss http://instagram.com/p/dJDfxrn_hY/---------[Yuri給太妍留言]언니.이쁘다.姐姐.好漂亮.

2013-08-17 12:26:27

130817 西卡 微博 更新[集中]

Blurrry blurrrrrrrry [偷笑]模糊模糊 [偷笑]來源:Sy__Jessicahttp://weibo.com/3547642417/A58Q2v9KA?type=like

2013-08-17 11:11:52

130817 Yuri Instagram 更新[集中]

꺄 떨려 #vegas嘎 緊張 #vegas翻譯:FLY官方微博來源:yulyulk http://instagram.com/p/dGM3AwNZNX/

2013-08-17 11:08:09
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