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  “Hades Kidnaps the Daughter of Ceres”

陳猷發:Hades and Jove      沈靖庭:Cupid and Little girl
蔡沛蓁: Proserpine        潘碧霞:Venus and mother
陳鈺靜:Nymph and Arethusa    劉宜幸:Ceres

懶的介紹了 = =

PIC:靖庭 大碧 沛蓁學姊 我 宜幸 猷發學長
   by the way 衣服是我們每個人自己做的
旁白(一):Hades mounted his chariot, drawn by black horses, and rode a circuit of inspection to satisfy himself of extent of the damage. While he was thus engaged, Venus was sitting on Mount Eryx playing with her boy Cupid.(厄律克斯山)

Venus:”My son, take your darts with which you conquer all, even Jove himself, and send one into the breast of yonder dark monarch, who rules the realm of Tartarus.”(Hades騎馬車出去) Let Hades fall in love with Ceres’ daughter, Proserpine, because she defies us.

Cupid: Yes, mother.
旁白(二): The boy unbound his quiver and selected his sharpest and truest arrow; then, straining the bow against his knee, he attached the string and, having made ready, shot the arrow with its barbed point right into the heart of Hades.
(action: Hades,記得轉身,然後看到Proserpine一眼,結果就愛上Proserpine,然後把他劫走。)

Hades: My love ~

Proserpine: Help me! Help me! Mother, help me!

Ceres: (衝出來~很緊張的說): Proserpine, is that you?
旁白(三):Ceres sought her daughter all the world over, passing from land to land, across seas, and rivers. Afterward, Ceres sat down upon a stone.

Little girl: Aunt, why do you sit here alone upon the rocks?

Ceres: I am looking for my daughter. I have lost her.

Little girl: Come to my home. You looked so tired.

Ceres: Thank you for inviting me to your home.

Little girl: Mom, we have a visitor.

Mother: Why do you looked so tried?

Ceres: I lost my daughter and I have been looking for her for a long time. When I see your daughter, I am happy, because you live with your daughter.

Mother: I hope your daughter will be safely returned to you. (action: 拿水給客人喝)

Ceres: What happened to your son?

Mother: He is very sick and has been feverish for many days.

Ceres: Oh! Poor baby. (action: kiss baby’s head. 三段的咒語)

Mother: My son has recovered his health. Thank you for your help.
Ceres: Because you are so kind, you shouldn’t lose your children. Your daughter reminded me of my own dear daughter.
Mother: You will find your daughter.
旁白(四):When she returned to Sicily, Ceres stood by the banks of the River Cyane. She is meeting the river nymph.
Ceres: Do you see my daughter, Proserpine.

Nymph: I can’t tell you the whole truth, but I saw somebody take away your daughter, Proserpine.

Ceres: Tell me. Who took my daughter?

Nymph: No, I can’t. I can’t say.

Ceres: If you don’t tell me the truth. I will lay the blame on the innocent land. (Action: angry)

Nymph: I can show you; this is your daughter’s bangle, right?

Ceres: Yes, it’s my daughter’s bangle. Where’s Nymph? I will lay the blame on the innocent land. (生氣的離開)
Hades: Why are you so sad?
Proserpine: (action: crying)
Hades: Don’t you want to stay here with me?
Proserpine: I miss my mother and my home.
Hades: You have no choice. You have already become my wife.
Proserpine: (action: crying)
---------------------------------------------------------------------Arethusa: Goddess, don’t blame the land. It opened unwillingly to yield a passage to your daughter. I can tell you of her fate, for I have seen her. While I passed through the lower parts of the earth, I saw your Proserpine. She was sad, but no longer showing alarm on her countenance. Her look was such as became a queen, the Queen of Erebus, the powerful bride of the monarch of the realms of the dead.

旁白(五): When Ceres heard this, she stood for a while like one stupefied; then she turned her chariot towards heaven and hastened to present herself and Arethusa before the throne of Jove. (騎著馬車和泉神)

Ceres: Jove, you must help me! Hades kidnapped my daughter. I want my daughter back.

Jove: I don’t believe it.

Arethusa: While I passed through the lower parts of the earth, I saw your daughter.

Jove: Okay, I will help you, but Proserpine should not drink anything or eat any food during her stay in the lower world; otherwise, the Fates forbid her release.

旁白(六): Accordingly, Arethusa was sent, accompanied by Spring, to demand Proserpine of Hades.(騎著馬車)
---------------------------------------------------------------------Proserpine: Please, let me go home. I miss my mother.

Hades: Okay, I promise. I will let you go. But you should eat something.

Proserpine: Really? (Action: drinking …)

旁白(七): At this time, Ceres and Arethusa arrive the lower parts of the earth.

Arethusa: Pluto! Jove asks that you to return Proserpine.

Hades: Okay, but we have to make an agreement.

Ceres: Why?

Hades: Now, she is my wife. And she has already eaten our food. If she leaves for too long, she will die.

Ceres: What? (Action: surprise.) I agree to your terms.

Proserpine: Mother! (最後母女擁抱)

旁白(八):For this reason, we have the four seasons. When Persephone goes back to Hades, the autumn begins. Winter comes while she is still there. Spring comes when she begins her journey to the surface of the earth, and Summer comes when she is enjoying herself on the earth.

台長: 很不安靜
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