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2006-09-16 15:30:08

||||| IFT life ||||||

cindy,nicole,nikita,toby In the first day when I go to enrollment,I met cindy and nicole... the first impressions: Cindy-A cuite girl Nicole-The secound Ballball in my life??.hair with some h...

2006-09-14 20:49:25

||||| 060914|||||

Just a insipid day..you need to go to work,I need to go to school..but i also think this is a meaningful day on my mind.

2006-09-13 22:44:13

||||| something |||||

大家都開學了嗎? 有壓力嗎? 掛念從前的生活嗎? 現在的和你想像的有出入嗎? 大家也一起努力吧..好嗎?

2006-09-08 00:59:53

||||| Work ||||

工作..又是工作... 我也想有自己的時間陪陪我的朋友...找找他們

2006-08-27 01:55:15

||||||| happy |||||||

A night with little duck at Wynn 618.........happy happy very happy..he talk in a dream.but i don’t know what he said..ahah..so cuite..luv

2006-07-28 00:53:49

||||| something ||||

從前的習慣 你厭棄了 我也只好順應著...順應著你的習慣.. 也開始叫自己清醒一點近日可能受漫畫影響.. 事情有點想歪了..快點糾正過來才行! (但很好看呀!推薦呢!)

2006-07-27 00:19:53
2006-07-12 03:20:43

||||| warm |||||

12 JULY 3:06 三年的誤會與隔膜 在短短的一瞬間解開了 即使是帶著沈重的眼皮 也是值得 慧慧原來一直以來都好重視我的.我咁大個人都未聽過人同我講同我一齊玩ge時間係最開心le d類似ge說話.我真係好開心a.現在...

2006-07-04 18:38:21

|||||| something ||||||

吃著你給我的糖果........ 口中酸溜溜的...........淡淡的....... 甜甜的去了那裡?

2006-06-30 18:59:53

||||||| Promise |||||||||

:承 諾: 達成了會很快樂.. 偏偏有多少人會因為這東西而感到快樂?

2006-05-07 01:10:21

|||||||| Sandwich |||||||||

I Miss the board which full of rose... I Miss the song..DO-RE-ME I Miss you ,I miss you everybody....NO.1 to NO.35

2006-04-16 00:47:25

|||||||| True ||||||||||

真正上學的日子..只剩下十天多. 從前的我,每天起床時都要想想今天有什麼高興的事會值得我上學去,結果每天也想不到(測驗高興?-口-"..對著姥姥開心?=口=!!..)只好想著待會吃什麼早餐,那就起床了,其實也不值得高...

2006-04-11 20:30:43

||||||| IFT ||||||

IFT: I love you and you love me ^^

2006-04-03 21:33:44

||||| go back |||||

想回到........ 那個我們最快樂的時候......

2006-03-26 22:27:22

||||||| A target ||||||

I promise.. I won ’t cry again for some petty things... I really hate this girl.. maybe.....some day.. I will break the promi...

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