The most important people in our lives are our family
我們生活中最重要的人 就是我們的家人
Often we don’t realize this until it is too late
往往有些人發現時 已經太晚了
Once upon a time there was a little boy whose parents had both died
很久很久以前 有一個小男孩 他的父母親都已經離開了
He lived with his grandmother
Everyday at school after lunch he would take a coin
每天中午在學校 一吃飽飯 他就會拿一個硬幣
And go to the public telephone and dial a number
If you happen to pass by at that moment you would hear his soft little voice saying
如果你正好候經過他的身邊 你會聽到他用很輕 很柔的聲音說
Mama have you eaten yet
媽媽 吃飽了沒
Mama will you come and pick me up today
媽媽 今天會來接我嗎
Mama don’t forget to bring me a toy
媽媽 不要忘了要帶一個玩具來給我喔
And then he would hang up the telephone and run back to class
然後他會把電話掛上 回教室去上課
One day he didn’t hang the telephone up properly
有一天他特別的匆忙 沒有把電話掛好
And a teacher came by and out of curiosity picked up the telephone and listened
一個老師經過的時候很好奇 就拿起電話來聽
What did she hear
At the tone the time will be 12:30 10 seconds
下面音響 十二點三十分十秒
At the tone the time will be 12:30 20 seconds
下面音響 十二點三十分二十秒
The teacher listened as tears ran down her cheeks.
It’s so easy to neglect the people closest to us
How long has it been since you told your family you love them
你有多久沒有告訴你的家人 你愛他們
Act now Don’t wait until it’s too late
現在就告訴他們 不要等到來不及了哦
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