The Language of Love [ 爱的语言 ]
People say French is the language of love, but English also has its share of romantic expressions.
1. Love makes the world go round
Some people think that money makes the world go round. But for true romantics, love is the most important thing in life.
2. Your better half
Your better half is your girlfriend or boyfriend. If you are very close you are like one person. So they are the better half of the whole.
3. Crazy about someone
When you say you are crazy about your girlfriend, it doesn’t mean she makes you insane. It means that you like her very much.
4. Falling in love
This is where it all starts.That you begin to develop feeling of love towards someone.
5. To have a crush on someone
You have crushes on people who may not even know who you are. A crush is a strong feeling of love, that usually doesn’t last very long.
Study Tips [ 英语学习小贴士 ]
How Can You Keep Up?
Are you afraid English is going to run away from you? First of all,
don’t worry—there are many aspects of English that don’t change.
Secondly, just remember these tips:
1. Keep Listening:
Listen to the English around you. Listen to English radio, watch English movies, and listen to native speakers.
2. Keep Talking:
Talk to people. The more you talk, the more natural your English will sound.
3. Be Flexible:
If you hear something new, ask a friend or teacher. Don’t be afraid to try out new words and phrases.
随机应变:如果听到什么新词,向朋友或者老师请教一下。千万不要害怕 使用新词语和短语!
Test [ 小测试 ]
What Kind of Friend Are You?
When friends are together, everyone has a different role. The comedian. The brain. The referee (1). Which one are you? Take our test and find out.
1. Out to dinner with friends, you spend the time:
A. telling funny stories
B. giving advice
C. smiling and laughing
D. making sure everyone talks and has a good time
2. Your best friend:
A. loves to talk
B. has a great laugh
C. is shy and reserved (2)
D. sometimes says the wrong thing
3. When you meet cool people, you:
A. introduce them to your friends
B. try to impress (3) them
C. try to be funny
D. ask them about themselves
4. You and your friends are putting on a play. You are:
A. the writer
B. the actor
C. the manager
D. the director (4)
5. You don’t like friends who are:
A. too bossy (5)
B. too loud
C. too quiet
D. too easy-going (6)
1 20 15 10 5
2 10 20 15 5
3 5 15 20 10
4 10 20 5 15
5 15 20 10 5
If your score is above 75
The Comedian:
You are the funny one in your group of friends. You love to make people laugh and you are good at it. But be careful -- sometimes your jokes may hurt people’s feelings. It’s okay to be serious sometimes.
If your score is 60 - 70
The Brain:
You are the smart one in your group of friends. You love to learn and you are intelligent and driven (7). You like to tell friends what to do… even when they don’t ask.
If your score is 45 - 55
The Listener:
You are the sympathetic (8) one in your group of friends. You love to be there for your friends and listen to their problems. Just make sure you speak up when you are unhappy or your voice will never be heard.
If your score is below 40
The peace-keeper:
You are the generous (9) one in your group of friends. You love to show people a good time and make your friends happy. You try to stop fights. You have a big heart.
1 referee noun 裁判员
2 reserved adjective 保留的,矜持的
3 impressverb 使...留下深刻印象
4 director noun 导演
5 bossy adjective 专横的
6 easy-going adjective 逍遥自在的,随和的
7 driven adjective 有紧迫感的
8 sympathetic adjective 抱好感的
9 generous adjective 慷慨的, 大方的
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