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2012-11-28 22:01:36| 人氣226| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Maybe I should be satisfied with what I have owned.

No more complaining, no more negative feeling.

oh and I should look on the bright side, right?

Well yeah cuz obviously I am already more lucky than most of girls, so even though there has been something changed,  I should just ignore it and keep thinking about all the sweet things you have done to me...

You don't know how insecure I feel.
You don't know no matter how hard I try to chase you, but I always fall behind.
You don't know how vulnerable I am in front of you.
You don't know how I care about every word you tell me.
You don't know how much I wish you could just stare at me and tell me how special I am in your eyes.
You don't know how helpless I feel when I know I could be easily abandoned because of the call waiting.

Well, fine then

台長: WHY女孩:D
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開心一點~加油吧~期末考加油喔 :)
2013-01-15 23:32:16
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