Perhaps the life had many difficulties to want was since old times the
sentiment closes most lets person uncomfortable me be destined in the
sentiment sea to jolt for your me pays such many actually lets my pain
to have painstakingly cannot say because I liked you liking that moth
to plunge the fire
How asked you to tell me to fall in love with you is wrong do
not let me be absentminded the evil spirit to untie me to confuse
receives you to be indifferent you to be cruel enough to this
Asked you to tell me to fall in love with you was wrong do not
let my endless endless night defend the lonely grief already the too
oversensitive also already wound to pass me not to want to wait for
again for who
尋ねられて私に言うことは再度待ちたいと思わないには既にパスに私を傷ついていたあなたとの愛でだれかを間違っていた孤独な悲しみを既に守るために注意しない私の無限の無限夜が余りにもoversensitive また下るように
人生有許多難關要過 自古是情關最讓人難受
為你我付出這麼的多 卻讓我痛到有苦不能說
請你告訴我愛上你是一個錯 別讓我失魂落魄著了魔
解開我的迷惑 收起你的冷漠 你怎忍心這樣做
請你告訴我愛上你是一個錯 別讓我漫漫長夜守寂寞
傷痛已經太多 心也早已傷透 我已不想再為誰去等候