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2008-06-16 14:57:11| 人氣82| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Do you ever think about me 你曾經思念過我嗎

Do you ever cry yourself to sleep 你曾經哭到睡著過嗎?

In the middle of the night when you awake 當你在半夜醒著的時候

Are you calling out for me 你會想要跟我連絡嗎?

Do you ever reminisce 你曾經回想起我嗎?

I can’t believe I’m acting like this 我不敢相信我怎麼會這樣

I know it’s crazy 我知道這很瘋狂

How I still can feel your kiss 可是我竟然還感覺得到你的吻


It’s been six months, eight days, twelve hours since you went away


I miss you so much (我好想你)

And I don’t know what to say ( 又不知道該怎麼說)

I should be over you (我該把你忘了)

I should know better (我該知道的)

But it’s just not the case (可是我就是沒辦法做到)

It’s been six months, eight days, twelve hours since you went away


Do you ever ask about me (你曾經問起我的事情嗎?)

Do your friends still tell you what to do(你的朋友還是給你很多意見教你怎麼做嗎?)

Everytime the phone rings (每當電話響起的時候)

Do you wish it was me callin’ you (你會希望那是我打給你的嗎)

Do you still feel the same (你和我有同感嗎)

Or has time put out the flame (還是時間已澆熄我們之間的火花)

I miss you ( 我想你)

Is everything ok (一切都還好嗎?)


It’s hard enough just passing the time (時間讓我難熬)

When I can’t seem to get you off my mind (而我又沒辦法不想你)

And where is the good in goodbye (說再見有什麼好) 這裡是雙關用語 因為 goodbye再見 這當中有good 好 這個字 另外可以翻成 說了再見 但我們什麼時候能再見面?

Tell me why, tell me why (告訴我為什麼,告訴我為什麼)

台長: ( ̄﹏\ ̄) 我愛你
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