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Kuthumi上師2007 Christmas Message(上)

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Christmas Channeling - Kuthumi, Guineviere, Mary Magdeline, Goddess Jezebel

2007聖誕訊息-Kuthumi上師、GuineaviereMary MagdelineJezebel女神

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, integration, divine presence and light. Greetings beloved ones.



And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.



Beloved ones this is the time of the Christ-mass celebration, it is the time where each of you are presented with the opportunity to focus on mass Christ consciousness. I am sure most of you are already aware of the fact that the 25th of December is not necessarily the day that Jesus Christ was born it is however the day that the mass Christ consciousness is celebrated and anchored within the hearts of humanity. It is upon this day that the energy is at it’s strongest because mass consciousness is focused upon it. In fact the Christ-mass celebration would benefit humanity even more if it were celebrated on a daily basis however that is not currently possible, yet you can make it possible. The way this is done is by acknowledging the mass presence of Christ consciousness within everyone, most of it is stifled yes, but it is present. By acknowledging the mass of Christ energy available to you this creates a ripple effect and the Christ-mass celebration can become a daily occurrence.


We are combining two processes today. Along with the anchoring of the mass Christ consciousness we are also bringing the gifts of unity consciousness which Goddess Jezebel, Lady Guinevierre and Mary Magdeline are responsible, as a trio, for anchoring on planet earth at this time. So before we begin I ask all of you to close your eyes if you have not already and consciously tune into the mass presence of Christ energy inside of your heart chakra.

我們今天正結合兩個過程。隨著錨定集體基督意識,我們也帶給合一意識的禮物,由Jezebel女神、Guinevierre女士、Mary Magdeline負責,成為三位一體,在此時錨定行星地球。所以,在我們開始以前,我請你們所有的人閉上你們的眼睛,你是否還沒準備好而且在意識上調整進入在你們心輪中集體基督能量的存在。

Try and imagine what it would feel like to be standing in the presence of Christ, feeling that power wash over you and awaken the “sleeping” aspects of self that have eluded your conscious awareness to date because of the separation between Christ consciousness and human consciousness.
Imagine your entire being filled with a divine and powerful light, a light that is given to you from within the essence of Christ, an essence living inside of you, a presence that is at one with you.



I ask you now to imagine that Christ energy, the mass Christ presence filling every cell of your body and extend it beyond your physical body into the environment you currently occupy, and now imagine this mass of Christ energy penetrating the cellular structure of everything in your environment and direct it all the way to the very core of the atomic structure of everything within your environment. By doing this you are blessing everything within your space with the mass Christ energy.



There are masses of this energy available to everyone. It is a part of the Source. This is the time where you are being guided to move in the direction of drawing all your energy directly from Source, not from anyone or anything outside of you but directly from Source. This in itself entails a number of steps in a specific direction, the direction being unity consciousness. In order for you to embrace unity consciousness you must unite consciously with the mass of Christ energy present within self.


Very recently I spoke of the ego, it’s light and how it supports you. This energy was brought to your planet over the summer solstice of the Southern Hemisphere which is the winter solstice of the Northern Hemisphere, the 21st of December 2007, which completed it’s anchoring on the 22nd of December 2007. By embracing the gifts that the light side of your ego presents you with you are already well on your way to embracing the deeper understanding of unity consciousness. Unity is the opposite of separation, so in order to overcome all separation consciousness one must step into unity consciousness.

最近,我講到自我,它是光且它如何支持著你。這能量被帶到你們的行星,在南半球的夏至,即北半球的冬至, 20071221,在20071222完成錨定。藉著擁抱你們自我光明面向的這份禮物,呈現給你們的是你們已經在你們路上去擁抱合一意識更深的明白中。合一的相反是分離,所以為了克服所有的分離意識,一個人必須步入合一意識中。

So now I ask you to invoke the powerful presence of Mary Magdeline, welcome the light of Lady Guinevierre and open your energy to receive Goddess Jezebel.

現在請呼喚強大的存在Mary Magdeline,歡迎Lady Guinevierre之光,並且打開你的能量去接收女神Jezebel

These three energies can also be looked at as archetypes, each one of them presenting you with a powerful gift, the gift is unique unto you, one we suggest you tune into and sense for yourself what the gift is they bring, however for today the gift that comes through the presence of mass Christ consciousness is the ability to open and receive the vibrations of what we are calling the 100,000 New Beacons of Light. These Beacons of Light have manifested in the form of walk-ins. What this means is that higher aspects of certain souls on your planet at this time are walking into the physical embodiment of that soul. It is integration, on a conscious level, of higher aspects of self. These 100,000 walk-ins are coming in specifically through Lightworkers who have achieved certain levels of mastery on their path as well as through their children if permission has been given. It may not necessarily step in through all the children of these Lightworkers, one at least however.
(Note from Michelle - Kuthumi means that if a Lightworker has more than one child, not all of their children will necessarily experience the walk-in, however at least one will)

這三個能量可被看成原型,她們每一個都給予你們有力量的禮物,這些禮物對你們都是相當特別的,我們建議你,對準進入這能量,並感知她們所帶給你們的禮物。然而今天,禮物經由集體基督意識存在來到,是開放與接受振動的能力,我們稱為10萬新光塔。這些光塔以walk-ins形式顯化. 在你們星球上,此時,某些更高層面的靈魂正走進物質形體的靈魂。這是更高的自我在意識層面上的整合。這些100,000 walk-ins會特別通過已經在他們路程上達到大師層級的光工作者,而且允許的話,和父母(光工作者)一樣,他們的小孩也會被給予。並不是這些光工作者所有的小孩都會發生,但是至少一個會發生。(Kuthumi上師說,一個光的工作者也許不只一個孩子,不是所有他的小孩都需要經歷這個過程,但是至少一位會如此)

If the walk-in has not happened for you it does not mean that you are any less than the Lightworker who is receiving a walk-in at this current time. This has been happening for many years already and you may be one who experiences this integration at another Christ-mass celebration.


This particular wave of walk-ins is linked specifically to the Twin Flame Unity Consciousness grids. The Twin Flame Unity Consciousness grids are part of the project of the New Earth Grids that Mary Magdeline, Lady Guinevierre and Goddess Jezebel are responsible for overseeing. The Twin Flame energy itself is a reflection of the Divine Complement energy we have spoken of at length over the past while and the walk-ins are happening mainly to Lightworkers who have recently or are currently undergoing a level of separation and physical separation within the romantic relationships of their current lifetime. So you will find the walk-ins primarily happening amongst Lightworkers who have recently been through or are going through a divorce or separation in a long standing relationship and the children conceived within these relationships are also receiving the walk-in.

這特別的walk-ins特別是與雙生子火焰合一意識光柵連結。這雙生子火焰合一意識光柵,是新地球光柵的一部份,由Mary MagdelineLady GuinevierreGoddess Jezebel這三位女神負責掌管。雙生子火焰能量本身是神聖互補性能量的反射,我們曾經在過去詳細的討論過它,walk-ins主要發生於這些光工作者,他們現在人生中的戀情已經或正要發生某種程度的分離或是身體性的分開。你將發現walk-ins首先發生在那些光工作者,他們最近在一段長久的關系裡已經或是正要經歷離婚或分開,而構想這些關系的小孩也同樣接收walk-in

The reason for this is because the pattern of romantic relationships is undergoing it’s most valuable change at this current time. The romantic vibration is vital because it influences every other aspect of relating, and how you relate to the self is also important because it influences your romantic relationships however, the difference at this time is that Lightworkers who are going through a separation or who have recently separated are meeting up with their Divine complement for this very important reason, and that is to ensure that the Twin Flame Planetary Grids of Unity Consciousness are rooted.



This is manifesting in what appears to be a rebound relationship. By this we mean that the person has separated or become divorced and very soon afterwards they are meeting someone new. Now some Lightworkers are rejecting this new person in their life simply because of the pain they have just gone through and are still currently feeling and do not want to become involved in any kind of attachment or romantic relationship for fear of experiencing the same pain of their past. This is the challenge in fact for those of you who have faced this kind of break-up and are now being presented with someone new fairly soon after your break-up.



If you are not being presented with someone new at this time then you are a part of the group of Lightworkers who are responsible for anchoring that new inner romance, therefore imagine the role of the walk-ins to be a variety of roles being anchored.



Those who are creating the new grid within a new relationship being presented right now and those of you who are anchoring the grids in the form of a new relationship with self, you will know who you are, very simply if you are being presented with an opportunity to embark upon a new romantic relationship then that is the role that you are playing and we encourage you to entertain this idea to spend time with this person so that you can have firsthand experience of what we are referring to. Those of you who are not being presented with anyone new at this time you are anchoring the inner romance and we suggest you begin exploring that within your own reality therefore, you may find that your energy is more in a social environment developing strong bonds with your closest female or male friends as well as developing that inner quality of relating within the self.



These walk-ins will hold the energy of the Twin Flame Grids of Unity Consciousness for the duration of this project, this timeline specifically moves all the way up to 2033. This does not mean that after that period of time people will separate again, all it means is at that time a new level of grid will be integrated relating to romantic inner and external relationships.



The children of the Lightworkers who are bringing light into themselves through the higher aspect walking in are setting the tone for the relationships that they will experience at the time of their maturity. However, many of these children will meet very connected aspects of self before they are considered to be mature enough to deal with a romantic relationship. It is vital that the connections be respected and that the pair be allowed to experience the power of their love connection to carry them through which ever level of healing it is they require.



So now beloved ones I ask you to relax into your body. I ask you to relax and surrender to the Christ presence energy, to receive the gifts of the Christmass, opening yourself as a vessel to receive, and by being this receptive vessel right now you allow mass Christ energy to pour through you and to be anchored on earth as it is in heaven. While you serve as this vessel I shall take my leave and make way for the Divine Presence of Lady Guinevierre to bring you a Christ-mass blessing. Embrace the gifts that she brings and know you have earned it, you deserve it and it will always be a part of you.

所以現在呢!請親愛的各位,放鬆你的身體。放鬆並臣服於基督存在的能量,接收基督集體的禮物,開放你自己成為一個容器來接收,現在,你允許集體基督能量流入你,並錨定地球。當你以接受性的容器而服務時,該是我離開的時候了,接下來讓神聖的存在,Lady Guinevierre ,帶給你基督集體的祝福。接受她帶來的禮物並且了解你已經贏得它,你值得的,而且它將永遠是你的一部份。


I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.




I am Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot, and I greet you and welcome you at this time of celebration.



I come in service to all of planet earth at this time with a very specific purpose, and my purpose is to walk alongside each of you assisting you in whichever way I can to open your heart to receive the powerful blessings of pure, unconditional, divine love. This love extends to you directly from the core of the universe, a love that comes to you from the Divine Essence of our Cosmic Parents. This Divine Essence extends from the core of your Divine Counterpart, an energy you are ready to receive even if the lower fearful ego aspect of yourself feels afraid to open your heart to receive it.



This love is necessary at this time to ensure that the Unity Grids of Twin Flame Planetary Consciousness are anchored in their fullness. The time of being afraid of love must now end and I know many of you have gone through a number of painful romantic relationships. Many of you have been left feeling bitter, cynical and deeply fearful of any kind of relationship that requires a commitment from you.



I, Guinevierre, Lady of Camelot, and Queen of Hearts present you with this opportunity of deep inner healing and I ask you to open your heart and trust me, to open your heart and trust love, not the love of the old paradigm that you have recently released yourself from but the love of the new paradigm, the Love of Unity Consciousness.

我,GuinevierreLady of Camelot,心的皇后,將示現給你深層內在療癒的機會,而我要求你,打開你的心並信任我,打開你的心去相信愛,不是最近你們才剛解脫出來的舊境相的愛,而是新的境相,統一意識之愛


By closing your heart to love you separate yourself from the Divine Essence of Love. By fearing commitment or interacting with anyone on a romantic level means you are depriving yourself of valuable energy, energy that you need.
You see, your Divine Complement embodies a specific range of energies that activate qualities inside of you that are reflected between the two of you.



The range of energies your Complement embodies are very specific and in fact that Complement is the only one who can activate the range within you.
Some of you are ready to experience a physical relationship with your Divine Complement even if you do not agree with me. Your resistance is the fear of past hurts and pains, but once again I ask you to trust me and remember that the past is just that, the past. It is time to learn that as an alchemist living within Alchemy Consciousness and utilising the Alchemy of Consciousness you create a different reality. This is something Lord Merlin has taught many of us and we are ready to master it. Even the energy of Guinevierre and Lancelot as you may know it has changed and our energy, the Guinevierre/Lancelot energy like the Romeo and Juliet energy, and Tristan and Isoldt, Osiris and Isis , Mary Magdalene and Jesus, are all being given the opportunity to unite in that perfect union.

你的雙生子靈魂化身的能量具特定的範圍,事實上,這唯一一個特別的能量能啟動你內在的特定能量。你們當中有些人願意體驗與你的神聖雙生子靈魂的物質肉體關係,即使你不同意我的看法。你的阻力就是怕過去的傷害和痛苦,但我再次請你相信我,並且要記住過去的就只是過去。現在學習生活在鍊金術意識中的鍊金術士,並使用煉金意識,你創造一個不同的實相。這是Lord Merline教給了我們很多人,我們也願意精熟於鍊金。甚至吉妮維亞和蘭斯洛的能量,你也許知道,已經改變了我們的能量, 吉妮維亞 /蘭斯洛能量,如同羅密歐與朱麗葉能量,特里斯坦和以柔 ,歐西里斯和艾西絲,抹大拉馬利亞和耶穌,都被給予機會結合在完美的合一。


All the stories of the couples I have mentioned have ended bitterly. It has been a heart-wrenching story ending in pain and suffering and death, separation, guilt and a tormented heart. Every single one of the couples I have mentioned are now projecting these (new) pathways through the willing souls, these willing souls being those of you who are now in a position to embrace this new level of romantic love and you will bring the so-called ‘living happily ever after’ energy into physical manifestation.

所有被提到的故事中的伴侶,結尾都是令人苦澀的。 .這是令人心痛的故事,結束於痛苦、折磨、死亡、分離、內疚和受糾結的心。我提及的每一對伴侶,現在正投射這些(新)路徑到自願的靈魂,你們當中的這些人能擁抱這新層面上的戀情,你會帶來所謂的從此過著快樂的生活的能量進入物質顯化。


It is your role as couples to anchor Unity Consciousness and to reseed the consciousness of humanity with a newly found faith and trust in romantic love.
As long as individuals are separated from romantic love, true love will never be able to completely be seeded on earth because there is an underlying belief system that love brings pain, and any kind of commitment to a man or a woman will be short lived, and as soon as the honeymoon wears off the nightmare begins. That was the case of the past patterns of the old paradigm but I give you my word today that that is not the theme of the future, but that theme can only be set in place with the help of the willing couples who are embodied in physical bodies at this time on earth.

這是你的角色,成為錨定合一意識的伴侶,並再佈下帶著新的信心與信任基礎的戀情的人類意識的種子。只要個人從愛情中分離開來,真正的愛將無法完全在地球上被播種, 因為一個基本的信念系統,愛情帶來的痛苦,而任何形式對男人或女人的承諾是短暫的,一旦蜜月期消退而噩夢就開始了。這是舊境相的模式,但我今天告訴你們,這不是未來的主題,但這個主題只能來到現在地球上願意協助的物質肉體化身的伴侶。


Part of your service to humanity is to step past your fear and to step into the arms of your Divine Complement. You will find that by denying yourself this opportunity, or resisting the energies bringing the two of you together that it will become extremely difficult for you to function from a heart space because you will feel the absence of that part of you. The reason for this is because you agreed that you would fulfil this role with your Divine Complement.



So I, Guinevierre, stand in front of you and I ask you to open your heart to receive the purity of romantic love, to allow it to guide you in the direction of true liberation so that we may complete our task of ensuring that the Twin Flame Planetary Grids of Unity Consciousness are fully integrated into humanity’s consciousness.



By turning your back on your other half you are denying yourself the opportunity to experience those aspects of yourself that are brought to life by the range of vibrations your Divine Complement embodies, that only she or he can trigger. You are like the last two pieces in a grander puzzle and without the two of you present the picture is incomplete.



So I serve within the realms of romantic love bringing people together in the name of romantic love. I ensure that the stories of the archetypal couples, which I have been instructed to call it, is transformed from heartbreaking tragedy and drama to heart warming, heart mending love, joy and happily ever after. It gives me great fulfilment to serve in this manner and I trust all of you will respond to this most beautiful opportunity to serve as one and as a couple alongside all of us. We need you and we ask you again to put your fear aside, to look into the eyes of the person who is being presented to you now as a love partner and let yourself taste their love. I assure you, you will not be disappointed.



I, Guinevierre, now take my leave making way for Mary Magdeline to deliver her Christ-mass blessing to you. May peace fill your heart eternally. Farewell.

Guineverre ,現在我離開,讓抹大拉的瑪麗亞來此傳送她的基督集體的祝福給你。願和平永遠充滿你的心。再會。









台長: ☆華哥★
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