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大天使Raziel (拉吉爾) 的介紹

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I am the Archangel Raziel

My name means "Secret of God"

I am the Angel of the Sacred Mysteries
and the
Keeper of the Secrets of the Universe

I am the Patron Angel of
Law Makers and Lawyers

Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/raziel1.htm


Archangel Raziel is the Angel of mystery, mystery, and more mystery. Luckily, he is willing to share his secrets with mankind whom he brings the gift of wisdom and knowledge. He inspires us to learn from our experiences as we go through the different stages of our lives, and to work to improve our understanding at all times. (大天使拉吉爾是神秘、奧義、玄妙的天使。還好祂很樂意透過祂的智慧與知識分享其奧秘給人們。祂啟發我們在不同人生階段中的經歷學習,並總是幫助增進我們的理解。)

Raziel offers special support to those who seek to learn, and encourages us to ask questions so that we may illuminate our mind and spirit and come to know the truth about the wonders of life. He is a magnificent teacher who helps us grasp complex matters with ease. At the same time, he guards knowledge from those that are not ready to receive it; there is a time for everything, and disturbing the order by rushing and forcing things against their natural flow has seldom done anyone good. That's why Raziel also teaches us to study with "more haste, less speed." (拉吉爾支持那些企圖學習的人,祂鼓勵我們發問,如此得以照亮我們的心智與靈魂並了解有關生命疑惑的真相。祂是教導我們輕易地理解複雜事物的偉大老師。同時祂也為那些尚未準備好要接受知識的人看管知識。時間對萬物而言有其規律,急促或逼使事物違反自然法則幾乎沒任何好處。這也是拉吉爾教導我們學習到的"欲速則不達"的道理。)

Raziel the personification of divine wisdom and the Patron Angel of those who wish to understand esoteric material, engage in alchemy or manifestation, or just going through an especially tough time filled with sleepless nights of studying. Also, Raziel presents us with the ability to unlock our subconscious knowledge and memories through meditation and hypnosis.  (拉吉爾是神聖智慧的體現,也是那些欲了解神秘事物、致力顯化神聖力量、或指正在經驗特別辛苦的熬夜讀書的人的守護天使。同時,拉吉爾也藉由冥想與催眠,向我們展現其打開潛意識知識與記憶的力量。)

A Bit of Trivia:

Raziel is officially known as the Chief of the Supreme Mysteries. He is the legendary author of "The Book of the Archangel Raziel", wherein all celestial and earthly knowledge is set down, which was said to be given to Adam so he may learn all there is to know about life and the secrets of the universe. Raziel appears quite tall and has large sky-blue wings. He is the ruler of the planet Neptune.  (拉吉爾是眾所周知最高的神秘主宰。祂是"大天使拉吉爾之書"傳說中的作者。書中記載著天國與人間的知識,據說這本書交給亞當以讓他明瞭生命與宇宙的秘密。拉吉爾身材高大並有著巨大的天空藍色翅膀。祂是海王星的主宰。)

Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=4

Your result for The Angel Test...


Archangel Raziel is the Angel of mystery, mystery, and more mystery. Luckily, he is willing to share his secrets with mankind whom he brings the gift of wisdom and knowledge. He inspires us to learn from our experiences as we go through the different stages of our lives, and to work to improve our understanding at all times.

Raziel offers special support to those who seek to learn, and encourages us to ask questions so that we may illuminate our mind and spirit and come to know the truth about the wonders of life. He is a magnificent teacher who helps us grasp complex matters with ease. At the same time, he guards knowledge from those that are not ready to receive it; there is a time for everything, and disturbing the order by rushing and forcing things against their natural flow has seldom done anyone good. Thats why Raziel also teaches us to study with more haste, less speed.

Raziel the personification of divine wisdom and the Patron Angel of those who wish to understand esoteric material, engage in alchemy or manifestation, or just going through an especially tough time filled with sleepless nights of studying. Also, Raziel presents us with the ability to unlock our subconscious knowledge and memories through meditation and hypnosis.

A Bit of Trivia:

Raziel is officially known as the Chief of the Supreme Mysteries. He is the legendary author of "The Book of the Archangel Raziel", wherein all celestial and earthly knowledge is set down, which was said to be given to Adam so he may learn all there is to know about life and the secrets of the universe. Raziel appears quite tall and has large sky-blue wings. He is the ruler of the planet Neptune.

Jophiel - Michael - Israfel - Raziel - Ariel - Uriel - Gabriel - Raphael - Zadkiel - Jeremiel

Take The Angel Test at HelloQuizzy

Compared To Other Takers

  • 31/100 You scored 38% on Healing, higher than 31% of your peers.
  • 59/100 You scored 60% on Knowledge, higher than 59% of your peers.
  • 52/100 You scored 50% on Inspiration, higher than 52% of your peers.
  • 18/100 You scored 38% on Strength, higher than 18% of your peers.

How Everyone Did

  • Healing

  • Knowledge

  • Inspiration

  • Strength








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