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2008-08-12 17:57:04 | 人氣248| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Crystal Star Song Cosmic Consciousness Music by Crystalai水晶

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Crystal Star Song - Cosmic Consciousness Music by Crystalai

水晶星球之歌-宇宙意識音樂由 Crystalai製作

七夕情人節即將來臨之際,願將此來自於宇宙源頭透過Divine Mother聖母等的聲音傳遞錄製下來的靈性音樂,開啟您的心扉並啟動晶格細胞記憶,恢復憶起真實的身分,帶領回家的路!




Dolphino 和 Crystalai 想要你讓這釋放來自我們的新宇宙的意識歌本的一首歌的下載。 我們今天早晨剛剛完成了我們的 接通最後一組完成這宇宙的現象。 請分享它給那你喜愛的情人節日。 這真的是一首宇宙愛之歌。 




A Dolphino and Crystalai would like you to have this free download of one song from our new COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS ALBUM. We just finished our final set of channelings this morning to complete this Cosmic Phenomena. Please share it with the ones you love for VALENTINES DAY. This is truly a Cosmic Song of Love.




Crystal Star MP3



音樂的密碼和文字將刺激在身體中的水晶細胞記起我們的回家的方法。 水晶的星球歌曲將刺激心的水晶的細胞唱歌而且共鳴而且刺激我們來自的水晶之家的記憶和愛的頻率那個我們被那裡被創造出來的地方。

The codes and words in the music will activate crystal cells in the body to remember our way back home. The CRYSTAL STAR song will activate the crystal cells in the heart to sing and resonate and chime to activate the memory of the crystal home we came from and the frequencies of love that we are created from.


這一首歌把新的意義放入分送對你的一份真實的愛來你的心。 這一首歌被直接地從來自宇宙的意識的神聖母親引導。 許多次振動超過光速的這些頻率將喚醒刺激愛的較高的人生意義的水晶的細胞當它從宇宙次元流出。 這個歌包含調整並且將直抗對準神廟的家集中於光輝的範圍的密碼,我們全部來自的地方。

This song puts new meaning into giving away your heart to your ONE true LOVE. This song was channeled directly from Divine Mother from Cosmic Consciousness. These frequencies oscillating many times beyond the speed of light will awaken crystal cells that activate a higher meaning of Love as it streams in from Cosmic Dimensions. The songs contain codes that align and direct the temples home to the stellar realms we all came from.


這音樂從宇宙的意識被引導。歌手被引導每個字、每個附註、音調,每一音樂的元素直接地從宇宙的意識來包括神聖母親,水晶的光能量、 Hathor哈唆女神 、 Uriel烏列爾天使 、Elohim神天使、六翼天使天使和 Oraphim 歐拉芬天使。 整個程序是由拉斐爾、聖母瑪麗亞、聖哲曼 Germain 、 Zadkiel薩吉爾 和 Hathor哈唆女神指示。
This music is channeled from Cosmic Consciousness. The singer channels every word, every note, tone, every musical element comes directly from Cosmic Consciousness including Divine Mother, Crystal Light Energy, Hathor, Uriel, Elohim Angels, Seraphim Angels and Oraphim Angels. The process is directed by Raphael, Mary, St. Germain, Zadkiel and Goddess Hathor.



在陰曆的願景被做的錄音因為引進來自 omniversal次次的頻率的真實系統。 這些頻率的目的進入以神聖創造的最初公式為基礎的一種乙太形式之內重建心的結構和重建身體。

The recording done here at Lunar Visions is for bringing in frequencies from the omniversal dimensional reality system. The purpose of these frequencies is for the rebuilding of the structure of the mind and body into an etheric form based on the original formulas of Divine Creation.


Hathor 哈唆女神、愛的女神、音樂和美人,已經在計畫上與我合作與那相同目的在我們許多不同的次元上現在正在做該計劃超過數以千計。
Hathor, Goddess of Love, Music and Beauty, has worked with me on projects identical to the one we are doing now over thousands of lifetimes on many different dimensions.



The truth – the frequency – the reality being brought to Earth at this time is coming from other dimensions, other universes who have gone through the entire re-birthing process that we are going through with our Earth at this present time.


這歌曲是一個這一整個程序的重要部份。 文字靠近我們正在引起我們還沒有見到的宇宙。 文字正在讓我們知道來自我們呼吸的方式的來自每件事物的新事實的新程序,方式我們所想,任何方式宇宙正在被創造。

The lyrics are an important part of this process. The words coming to me are drawing the universe that we haven’t seen. The words are making us aware of the new process of the new reality from every thing from the way we breathe, the way we think, the way universes are created.


引導程序開始從Hathor女神和其它一群天使來自Elohim伊洛星神、Seraphim,Oraphim 世界正在使用我們的神廟作為新的真實在地球上被聽到而且感覺到。 在 4 點每個早晨。 這些天使經過我的鋼筆和我的錄音機引導了詩和曲子。 在他們對麥克風進入來自他們的一個完全的通道之內對我加速了對我引導的數天的這一個程序之後。  每個字,每個附註出來了一次正好一個呼吸。 我不知道什麼文字將從我的嘴巴出來。 我不知道什麼關鍵字我正在唱在或者什麼附註將會緊接著出來。 全部我做用進入多重空間意識的最高範圍之內被振動的我的意識就是專注在呼吸。 我大多數集中在第15次元因為那是我的家我經常與它們共振。

The channeling process began with the Hathor angels along with several other sets of angels from the Elohim, Seraphim, Oraphim realms are using our temples for the new reality to be heard and felt on earth. Each morning at 4 a .m. these angels channeled poetry and melodies through my pen and through my tape recorder. After a few days of this process they accelerated my channeling into one complete channel from them to me to the microphone. Every word, every note came out one breath at a time. I didn’t know what words were to come out of my mouth. I had no idea what key I was singing in or what note would come next. All I did was breath with my consciousness oscillated into the highest realm of multidimensional consciousness. I mostly focus on the 15th dimension because that is my home that I resonate with.


然後,他們在更多乙太聲音從我口中唱出穿過我這些文字宣述勝於我原始說話的聲音。 我已經注意到,當他們在場的時候,我的聲音範圍擴張到一組額外高八度音。 我也已經注意到,我不管在我如何分心干擾的環境下都有完美的音準並且留在完美的水準之上。 這些是在這引導開始之前,我清楚知道我之前所沒有這樣的聲音品質。

Next, they sing these words through me in a much more etheric voice than my original speaking voice is. I’ve noticed that my vocal range expands a couple of extra octaves when they are present. I have also noticed that I stay in perfect pitch regardless of the distractions around me. These are all qualities that I clearly did not have before this channeling began.



The important part of this transmission is the frequency of consciousness flowing directly from the breath coming from my heart and then focused into a crystal sphere that is placed in my hear and crystal light energy always appears to run his wand of light energy through the sounds coming out.


這音樂正在為一些刺激並且準備光之工作者正在發生的非常重要的工作這次被帶給地球是在今年之後。 我們現在一定要準備好。我們正在為要喚醒一些大靈魂合併和整合,準備好我們的身體能夠適應新的世界。

This music is being brought to earth at this time to activate and prepare Lightworkers for some very important work that is coming up later this year. We must get ready now. We are preparing our bodies for some OverSoul merging that is going to wake some up to a new reality.



We must work on raising frequencies to the multidimensional level including the cosmic, galactic and universal levels.


在較高的次元中,我們呼吸的是愛的頻率。 沒有氧,沒有電力。 只有魔法頻率的氛圍。 我們呼吸,我們創造光、愛和聲音。 我們把意識轉變成愛神聖氛圍。

In the higher dimensions we Breathe Frequencies of Love. There is no oxygen, no electricity. There is only the atmosphere of magic frequencies. We breathe, we create light, love and sound. We transform consciousness into the atmosphere of Love Divine.






















台長: ☆華哥★
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