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muder weapon 凶器


melt 融化

冷氣→熱→打開 control heating 中央空調!

                                                        嚴格         保持             生活方式

a man of habit-someone who strichy maintains a routine or way of doing things

daily routine 例行工作


a creature of habit

descriptive 描述性

feel about 對~有什麼感受

How do you feel about x ?你對X感受?

I have no idea, how about you? 我沒有概念,你呢?

I'm waiting for the answer please 我等你答案?

Alice love her!

 He told her about his affair 他告訴他的婚外情!

The third party;kathy party→車禍→第三方  第三者

The other party

The other woman 另一個女人

The other children 婚外情小孩

Kathy, Katherine(正式用法), Kate, Katey

Cathy                                                        Catey 少用

Kathy is Henry's extramarital(marriage) affair lover.


Bobby their child

I'll get ready for the party, not reply any request

Because prepare to kill the henry.

Avoid the subject/topic 顧左右而言他

crime of passion 情殺 Premeditated crime 預謀犯罪

on a sudden impulse  to decide on the spot 當場商人

random crime 隨機殺人

引起            錯誤 安全成

engender a false sense of security 失去戒心

make him lower his guard

放下 防禦姿勢

In the dream→shock驚嚇

How do you think?你認為如何?

explanation 解釋 turned on 打開

It' s is very hot, she turned up(加強) the central heating.

turn up the volume 把音量提高!

turn down 減弱

 celebrate (V)慶祝 celebration 慶祝(N)

╳ ˇˇˇ╳╳ˇ

not premeditated crime 不是預謀犯罪

eliminate the evidence 消滅證據

searching for something which is not there 雞蛋裡挑骨頭

=being picky

alibi 不在場證明

what do you think?你認為如何?

1、begin: She is feel happy is a happy woman 幸福人

end: the plan is work. 計劃在進行中

2、Henary destroy her dream.

It was a case of love gone bad . 由愛轉恨

love and hate are two sides of the some coin.


temporary insanity 短暫瘋狂 喪失心智

to get away with it/murder (片語) 逃離法律制裁

conscience 良知


In this context 片語 以這個上下文

contemplation 思維

concerns 關於meditation on 禪定在於

conventional 世俗/一般 ultimate 最高、無上/ 勝義諦

realities 真理、真相/真實!true realities

Spiritual guide.心靈導師

characteristics 特質

holy person  神聖 聖者/上師

rely upon 依靠/依賴

teachings 教法 expresses 表達

endowed with 片語 擁有一種本能/力量

compassion 慈心

withstand hardship 反抗/抵抗 困難/困境  片語 克服困難

saintly =holy 神聖

saint Thomas 僧人


[] 原來沒有後來加入的!

skillful 有技巧/功夫/ 智慧/專業

skillful Means cupaya 用法  方法法門


does not go far 用途很有限

missing 不見了/沒有了

great learning 偉大學問

of little use 用途很少  片語

productive  生產力/創造力/量 productivity生產力

effective 效率/質

in the process of teaching 教學過程中

kind heart 善良心

crucial 主要 quality 品質

essential 必要 (ingredient)


essence 要素

The essence of good teaching is to have compassion, or a kind heart.

defects 缺失/缺陷

imperfection, shortcoming

be tired of 厭倦

tolerant 忍受

patient 耐心

in the face of x 面對x

difficulties 困難

what is meant by 片語 是什麼意思?

instruction 口傳/說明/ 教授

listen seriously with respect to 認真聽 有關於

      12    支               佛佗 教法

the twelve branches of the Buddha's teachings

definitive絕對的  defining  N決定性

V interpret 解釋

How do you interpret this (data)?你如何解釋這些資料?

     抽絲撥繭 解開                念頭

The Unraveling of the Thought sutra. 解深密經

superior being's 超越性/高等  眾生 片語

as you with 如你意 obstacle to 有礙於

special insight 修觀

arises 昇起 cause 因

cause and result 因與果

correct view 正見

which in turn  片語 自已本身也是/它也本身 接下來如此

The questions of Narayana Sutra 那羅延那請問經

disturbing 擾亂emotion 情緒=煩惱

thoronghly 徹底

pacified make peaceful 平熄

Through the experience 經由經驗

The above 上面的 片語 passage 短文

succinctly 簡潔的!

advantages 好處 acquiring 獲得

vast 廣泛/廣大 knowledge 知識

by way of 通過/通用 片語

This specifically refers to  特別指於 片語

rich 豐富的 versatile 多才多藝/靈活/多方面

by way of =by means of  ways and means 方法和用法

in temrs of =in the context  在什麼之內、在條件之下

Twenty dollars is not a lot of money in terms of today society( 社會)

proper 適當/如理 establishing 建立

free of doubt 免於疑慮

single-pointedly 專一

Bodhisattvas 菩薩

otherwise 否則doubt 疑惑 indecision 無法決定 猶豫

beset=attach 被攻擊/外來侵玁

like 像/如 cross roads 十字路口

Whatever 無論 it is extremely =important 是非常重要 片語 ascertain 查明

by means of 透過 片語

naturally 自然的 impede 障礙→面對發展/慢下來  slow緩慢

proficiency 精通












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